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Extra Reading 2
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For the Online Supplements to the Film Chapter

"The Godfather Goes Interactive." Burt Helm.

Pre-reading Question

1) For the last several years, the video game industry has made more money than the film industry has—this means video games are now a mainstream media. Do you play video games? If you do, why? If not, why?

Journal Topics

1) Many of the films being turned into video games were made before most college students were born, as the article point out. What do you think is the appeal of films like The Godfather and Scarface to young audiences? What is the appeal of playing video games that allow the gamer to pretend to be a character in these movies?

2) Originally mainstream productions, these films are now called "cult films" by some people. What is a cult film? Do you have any favorites that might be called cult films?

Question for Critical Thought

1) The makers of video games based on movies say that it is important that the characters in the games look, sound, talk, and move just like the original characters. They even enlist the same actors whenever possible, often at huge costs, because the profits make this worthwhile. Is the player's own imagination becoming less and less important in video gaming?

Suggestions for Personal Research

1) The movies and games mentioned in the article are quite violent. Various groups have called for increasing regulation of video games, arguing that playing violent video games leads to increased aggression, particularly in young people. What studies can you find that support or challenge this assertion?

2) The stereotypical video game player is a young male. Research the demographics of video game playing. How accurate is the stereotype? And do the same elements attract all players?

Vocabulary Terms


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