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Ryan Singel
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Facebook's Gone Rogue; It's Time for an Open Alternative


You may be interested in viewing Ryan Singel's Google profile to see what information he willingly makes available to the public.

Here is Singel's official press bio for

View Ryan Singel's profile at


Click here for the blog post Singel refers to by Mathew Ingrams, "The Relationship Between Facebook and Privacy: It's Really Complicated."

Are you familiar with the term scraping as it relates to Facebook? Confirm what it means in this report.

Singel commented upon Facebook's email system in his essay. The system has generated controversy.

Explore what Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg says about privacy. How do you think Singel would respond to Zuckerberg?

Listen to this tutorial on one strategy for using Facebook as a marketing tool.

Review Facebook's published privacy policy.

In November 2011, the Federal Trade Commission weighed in on privacy issues raised by Facebook's practices. Zuckerberg addresses the privacy problems in a blog posting.

Peruse the archives of, a "site for daily news, information, and initiatives on privacy."

"Did the Internet Kill Privacy?"


You can access an archive of Singel's "Epicenter" blog posts here. Do you see irony in the presence of a "like" button?

Visit Ryan Singel's online home for more on his many ideas. He writes frequently about various aspects of Facebook.

Listen to what Singel has to say in these videoclips focusing on

Follow Ryan Singel on Twitter.

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