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Suzanne Berne
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My Ticket to the Disaster (Mixing Patterns)


Check out this brief biography of Suzanne Berne on her publisher's website. You'll also find a photo and links to summaries of some of her novels.,,1000031734,00.html

In this interview with Berne by, Berne describes the major influences in her life and work. Can you see evidence of any of these influences in My Ticket to the Disaster?


Do you think Berne's account of her travels around New York City's Financial District (the area around Ground Zero) was easy to imagine? Below is a link to a street map of the neighborhood with many of the landmarks that Berne mentions. Is it similar to what you imagined from Berne's description?

This multimedia website has tons of text, photos, and videos about Ground Zero and the plans for its renovation.

Berne wrote My Ticket to the Disaster in March of 2002, only about six months after the terrorist attack. Check out these two sites to see how the tourism aspect of 9/11 that Berne discusses has continued to evolve, mainly as memorials throughout New York City's five boroughs.


At the link below you'll find the profile of Berne's second novel, A Perfect Arrangement. The page has editorial reviews and an excerpt from the first chapter. How does Berne's novel writing compare and/or differ from her essay writing?

In addition to novels and essays, Berne is also a frequent contributor to The New York Times. The link below will take you to an index of her articles many of which are book reviews and travel features.

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