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Elizabeth Wong
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The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl


Page two of this document that accounts archival material from Wong's life includes a "biographical sketch" which talks in detail about her childhood and current endeavors. How, if at all, does learning more about Wong's life affect your feelings about The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl?

To learn more about Elizabeth Wong's education and professional career, as well as view a photo of the writer, click on the link below.


Extracurricular Chinese schools like the one Wong describes in The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl are still common today. Check out the website for one, New Star school in Davis, California. Does the description of the school and its programs seem similar to Wong's?

Have you ever tried to learn a second language? In this feature, filmed when The Today Show was stationed in Beijing, China for the 2008 Olympics, TV personality Al Roker enrolls in a Chinese language class.


To see a complete list of Wong's projects, accomplishments as well as many photos of her plays and her contact information, take a look at her official website.

While Wong has worked as a news reporter, columnist, and writer for television, she is best known as a playwright. Check out this review from The New York Times of her play China Doll, which debuted in 2004. Do you think The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl could be adapted into a play?

In the mid 1990s, Wong served on a team of writers for an ABC sitcom called All-American Girl starring comedian Margaret Cho. For more information, click below to view the show's Internet Movie Database profile.

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