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Jared Diamond
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Globalization Rocked the Ancient World Too (Mixing Patterns)


The Edge Foundation offers a photograph and biography of Jared Diamond, as well as links to numerous pieces by or about the author.

UCLA provides a "Spotlight" page on the author-professor, including links to articles and videos featuring Diamond and his publications.


Professor David Ludden (of U Penn and NYU) offers this detailed, hyperlinked timeline, "A Quick Guide to the History of Globalization," which begins in the year 325 BCE.

Browse a wide range of recent articles about globalization published in the British news weekly The Economist.

In this 2008 interview at the Asia Society, Nobel Prize-winner and former World Bank chief economist Joseph Stiglitz discusses the challenges of 21st-century globalization, including America's evolving role in the world. This video also includes an introduction and Q&A session after the formal discussion.


Diamond talks in this PBS interview about the theories and history behind his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Guns, Germs, and Steel.

In this filmed lecture from 2005, Diamond draws on examples throughout history to hypothesize why certain societies collapse—and what we can learn from the past that might keep our own society thriving.

What's your consumption factor? In this New York Times article Jared Diamond takes a serious – yet optimistic – look at consumption rates and living standards in countries around the world.

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