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Elie Weisel
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The America I Love


This page includes a biography and timeline of the author's life, as well as several photographs of Wiesel and related links, including a bibliography.

You can read, listen to, or watch an in-depth interview with Wiesel on this page, which also includes a variety of photographs.

Here is another interview, this one conducted by Oprah. Compare and contrast the two conversations.


To learn more about the Holocaust, visit this page maintained by the Holocaust Museum. Each hyperlink leads to more specific entries, as well as photographs, timelines, and related articles.

The State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau includes a virtual tour of two death camps, and the "Then and Now" exhibit features works of art by Auschwitz survivors side-by-side with 1996 photographs of the places they depicted.

In 1979, Wiesel sent President Carter this report of his Commission on the Holocaust. How does he use cause and effect analysis in considering (1) how the Holocaust could have happened and (2) what it means to actively remember and respond to it?

In 1986, Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Click here to read more about this award and why he received it.


In addition to a brief biography, an interview, and photographs, this Random House site includes two excerpts from Wiesel's books: "Three Suicides" from And the Sea is Never Full and "God's Suffering" from All Rivers Run to the Sea.

Read an excerpt from Wiesel's famous memoir, Night. Why do you think the people in the village dismissed Moshe the Beadle as a madman?

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