Pasajes 7e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Pasajes: Lengua, 7/e

Mary Lee Bretz, Rutgers University, Professor Emerita
Trisha Dvorak, University of Washington
Carl Kirschner, Rutgers University
Rodney Bransdorfer, Central Washington University

ISBN: 0073385239
Copyright year: 2010

New to the Seventh Edition

  • Pasajes por el cine, a new feature to the Seventh Edition of Pasajes: Lengua, provides pre-viewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities for selected Spanish language films. These films are available to instructors and students through video stores and mail-order rentals such as Netflix.
  • In addition to the new feature, the Lengua volume of Pasajes has three brand new Imágenes readings:
    • Capítulo 3: "La cocina es una tradición que merece celebrarse"
    • Capítulo 6: "Las mujeres en el poder en Hispanoamérica"
    • Capítulo 11: "¿Cuándo se llega a la edad adulta en el mundo hispano?"
  • Activities, photos, and cultural references have been updated and revised.
  • The online ActivityPak (called the Online Flash Interactivities in the Sixth Edition) is available at the Online Learning Center to students who have purchased a registration code. These online activities provide interactive activities and games to practice the vocabulary and grammar presented in each chapter of Pasajes: Lengua. The ActivityPak also includes the Pasajes cultural video clips.
  • The new readings selected for the Seventh Edition of Pasajes: Literatura are as follows:
    • Capítulo 3:Como agua para chocolate (excerpt) by Mexican author Laura Esquivel
    • Capítulo 4: "Me besaba mucho" (poem) by Mexican poet Amado Nervo
    • Capítulo 9: "No speak English" (short story) by U.S. author Sandra Cisneros
    • Capítulo 10: "Imágenes photoshop" (short story) by Bolivian author Edmundo Paz Soldán
  • The Seventh Edition of Pasajes: Cultura has the following changes:
    • Some Sociedad boxes have been updated.
    • In response to reviewer feedback, readings have been completely rewritten or updated in Capítulo 7, 10, and 11 to allow students to explore the theme of la vida moderna.
  • Available to all those who have purchased the online Cuaderno de práctica, Centro ( is a new website that provides one-stop access to all of the media available with the Pasajes program: the online Cuaderno de práctica, the ActivityPak, the Pasajescultural video clips, Grammar Tutorials, and a link to the Online Learning Center.
  • Finally, a modified interior design makes it easier to navigate the various sections of Pasajes: Lengua, particularly the grammar pages, and gives a new look to the other two volumes.

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