Sol y viento: Beginning Spanish, 3/e
Bill VanPatten,
Texas Tech University Michael J. Leeser,
Florida State University Gregory D. Keating,
San Diego State University
ISBN: 0073385298 Copyright year: 2012 In the Third Edition
Based on reviewer feedback, here are some of the changes that we made in the Third Edition: - New Panorama cultural sections provide unique cultural coverage of the 21 countries in the Spanish-speaking world.
- Vistazo cultural features have been updated and revised, and some new Vistazo cultural features have been added.
- Some content has been streamlined for more manageability and flexibility:
- Lecciones 9A and 9B have been combined to form a single Lección final.
- The Sol y viento film section now appears solely in the B lesson of each unit.
- A significant number of production activities, including new ¿Qué opinas? activities starting in Lección 4A, have been added.
- Revised unit openers introduce film episodes through visuals and brief questions that serve as a type of pre-viewing opportunity for students.
- New Resumen de gramática sections bring together film clips that highlight grammar points in a given lesson and provide grammar practice.
- New Puente musical feature uses a song in Spanish to illustrate a particular vocabulary or grammar point in a given lesson.
- Navegando la red Web activities are now called En el Internet.
- Enfoque lingüístico sections have been deleted.
- A Glossary of Common Grammatical Terms has been added to the Appendix.
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