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Grammar Tutorials
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Spanish Grammar Tutorial Videos

01 - Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles

02 - Nouns and Articles: Plural Forms

03a - Subject Pronouns: Present Tense of -ar Verbs: Negation (Part 1)

03b - Subject Pronouns: Present Tense of -ar Verbs: Negation (Part 2)

04 - Asking Yes/No Questions

05 - Describing Adjectives: Gender, Number, and Position

06 - Present Tense of ser; Summary of Uses

07 - (Unstressed) Possessive Adjectives

08 - Present Tense of -er and -ir Verbs; Subject Pronouns (Part 2)

09 - Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

10 - Tener, venir, preferir, querer, and poder; Some Idioms with tener

11 - Ir; Ir + a + infinitive; The Contraction al

12 - Hacer, oír, poner, salir, traer, and ver

13 - Present Tense of Stem-Changing Verbs

14 - Reflexive Pronouns

15 - Present Progressive: Estar + -ndo

16 - Summary of the Uses of ser and estar

17 - Comparisons

18 - Direct Objects; Direct Object Pronouns

19 - Indefinite and Negative words

20 - Formal Commands

21 - Indirect Object Pronouns; Dar and decir

22 - Gustar

23 - Preterite of Regular Verbs and of dar, hacer, ir, and ser

24 - Irregular Preterites

25 - Preterite of Stem-Changing Verbs

26 - Double Object Pronouns

27 - Imperfect of Regular and Irregular Verbs

28 - Superlatives

29 - Summary of Interrogative Words

30 - Using the Preterite and the Imperfect

31 - Relative Pronouns

32 - Reciprocal Actions with Reflexive Pronouns

33 - Hace... que: Another Use of hacer

34 - Another Use of se (Unplanned or Unexpected Events)

35 - ¿Por o para? A Summary of Their Uses

36 - Tú (Informal) Commands

37a - Present Subjunctive (Part 1): An Introduction

37b - Present Subjunctive (Part 1): An Introduction

38 - Use of the Subjunctive (Part 2): Influence

39 - Use of the Subjunctive (Part 3): Emotion

40 - Use of the Subjunctive (Part 4): Doubt and Denial

41 - Use of the Subjunctive (Part 5): A Summary

42 - Past Participle Used As an Adjective

43 - Present Perfect (Indicative and Subjunctive)

44 - The Subjunctive After Nonexistent and Indefinite Antecedents

45 - The Subjunctive After Conjunctions of Contingency and Purpose

46 - Future Verb Forms

47 - Subjunctive and Indicative After Conjunctions of Time

48 - The Past Subjunctive

49 - Stressed Possessives

50 - Conditional Verb Forms

51 - Si Clause Sentences

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