Punto y aparte: Spanish in Review • Moving Toward Fluency, 4/e
Sharon Foerster Anne Lambright,
Trinity College
ISBN: 0073385301 Copyright year: 2011
Feature Summary
Although ideal for the fourth-semester Spanish course for schools that use a first-year book for three semesters, Punto y aparte can be used in the first semester of an Intermediate Spanish sequence. In addition, it can also be used in a two-semester course in tandem with other ancillary materials such as the accompanying literary reader, Lecturas literarias: Moving Toward Linguistic and Cultural Fluency Through Literature. This book offers great flexibility.
The Instructor's Manual, available in the Instructor's Edition of this Online Learning Center is particularly useful and contains very explicit teaching suggestions, activities, and sample exams for maximizing the potential of the entire program.
Although each chapter highlights at least one of the seven communicative goals or functions (las metas comunicativas), all seven are integrated into the chapter's oral and written work throughout the program.
Green grammar pages found near the back of the book provide grammatical explanations and exercises for the grammatical structures (los puntos clave) that support the seven communicative goals.
Vocabulary is contemporary and inspiring for an Intermediate Spanish textbook.
The Manual que acompaña Punto y aparte, available in print or Quia™ online format, contains provides practice with each chapter's vocabulary, grammar, and culture through a variety of controlled and open-ended exercises. In every other chapter a diagnostic test enables students to self-check their control of the grammatical structures needed to accurately express the seven communicative functions There are also pronunciation and listening comprehension activities.