1 |  |  The chapter introduction tells the story of the first battle of Manassas (Bull Run) to make the point that |
|  | A) | the Union army was unprepared to fight. |
|  | B) | the Confederate army was unprepared to fight. |
|  | C) | both sides underestimated what it would be like to fight a total war. |
|  | D) | although the North had the advantage of initiative, the fighting would often turn out to be a series of Confederate victories against all odds. |
2 |  |  The North had the advantage in all of the following at the start of the war EXCEPT |
|  | A) | population. |
|  | B) | industrial capacity. |
|  | C) | transportation. |
|  | D) | war aims. |
3 |  |  What was Jefferson Davis's central problem? |
|  | A) | In a culture that prized the English country gentry, Davis was rough-hewn and awkward. |
|  | B) | In a society that prized states' rights, Davis had to centralize authority. |
|  | C) | In a crisis that demanded tough-minded attention to military details, Davis was more of a grand strategist. |
|  | D) | In a war that required rapid mobilization of a whole society, most ordinary folk in the South were reluctant to enlist. |
4 |  |  President Lincoln |
|  | A) | had significant experience in national politics before taking over the presidency. |
|  | B) | was a more effective military leader than Jefferson Davis. |
|  | C) | was unpopular with the soldiers in the Union army. |
|  | D) | was able to easily find generals to execute his military strategy. |
5 |  |  What was the first Union success of the war? |
|  | A) | blocking a southern invasion |
|  | B) | holding coastal forts in the South |
|  | C) | holding the border states in the Union |
|  | D) | winning the first battle of Bull Run |
6 |  |  All of the following are true about Lee's invasion of the North in 1862 EXCEPT that |
|  | A) | his aim was to detach Maryland from the Union and isolate Washington. |
|  | B) | he knew that the South needed a decisive victory to gain recognition from France and England. |
|  | C) | he soundly defeated McClellan at Antietam. |
|  | D) | McClellan found a copy of Lee's orders, which revealed that the northern army vastly outnumbered Lee's force. |
7 |  |  Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared slaves to be free |
|  | A) | in the border states and western territories. |
|  | B) | in those areas of the South under Union control. |
|  | C) | in those areas of the South under Confederate control. |
|  | D) | everywhere in the U.S. (including the South). |
8 |  |  What is true about African Americans during the Civil War? |
|  | A) | Many slaves escaped to Union lines, where they were put to work or even allowed to join the army. |
|  | B) | In the North, both whites and free blacks welcomed black soldiers into the Union army. |
|  | C) | Lincoln permitted African Americans to serve in the navy but not the army. |
|  | D) | Their servile work and segregated status meant that blacks found wartime service a humiliating ordeal. |
9 |  |  Southern women did each of the following during the war EXCEPT |
|  | A) | work in munitions factories. |
|  | B) | serve as smugglers and spies for the Confederacy. |
|  | C) | oversee agricultural production and supervise the slaves. |
|  | D) | fail to receive equal pay for work in the Confederate bureaucracy. |
10 |  |  Lincoln infringed on the civil liberties of northerners during the Civil Warspecifically by |
|  | A) | suspending the writ of habeas corpus in specified areas in the North. |
|  | B) | suspending the writ of habeas corpus in areas still in rebellion in the South. |
|  | C) | recommending postponement of the presidential election due to be held in 1864. |
|  | D) | defying the Supreme Court's order to free those imprisoned without being charged. |
11 |  |  As he assumed leadership of all Union armies, Grant began to conduct a "total war" against the South by |
|  | A) | coordinating the movement of Union armies to utilize the North's natural resources and wear down the South. |
|  | B) | concentrating the Union offensives against Lee in Virginia while adopting a defensive strategy in the West. |
|  | C) | seeking one decisive battlefield victory over Lee to convince southerners that further resistance was useless. |
|  | D) | systematically strangling southern trade so that Confederate troops would no longer receive supplies. |
12 |  |  The military significance of the battle of Gettysburg was that |
|  | A) | the Confederacy was cut in half. |
|  | B) | Lee could never again take the offensive as he liked to do. |
|  | C) | the victory gave Lincoln an occasion to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. |
|  | D) | Lee's surrender ended the war. |
13 |  |  Historians who have investigated the New York City draft riots generally believe |
|  | A) | the riots were caused by the conscription laws, which contained a $5,000 commutation clause. |
|  | B) | the riots were directed against the Democratic party by skilled workers. |
|  | C) | the riots were the only way that Irish and German immigrants could protest living conditions in the city. |
|  | D) | the riots were the work of different crowds with different grievances. |
14 |  |  Which of the following characterizes the war's impact on the soldiers? |
|  | A) | They continued to act in accordance with the traditional ideals of duty, honor, and patriotism. |
|  | B) | Their cumulative exposure to death and suffering generally left them less willing to fight. |
|  | C) | Their cumulative exposure to death and suffering generally caused a heightening of their moral standards when not fighting. |
|  | D) | Their cumulative exposure to death and suffering generally caused a decline of their moral standards and a sense of alienation from civilians back home. |
15 |  |  According to the text, what event decided the "war in the balance," or dashed the last hopes of the Confederacy and assured the abolition of slavery? |
|  | A) | the Emancipation Proclamation |
|  | B) | the elevation of Grant to Commander in Chief |
|  | C) | the victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg |
|  | D) | the re-election of Lincoln |