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Chapter Objectives
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When you have finished studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Trace the general process of colony building in the 17th century southern colonies: from initial founding through episodes of social crisis to stable, gentry-dominated societies.

  • Describe relations between Spanish colonists and natives in the Southwest and outline the objectives of each group.

  • Describe relations between English colonists and the Powhatan confederacy of the Chesapeake and outline the objectives of both groups.

  • Explain the ways in which the introduction of staple crop economies-tobacco, sugar, and rice-transformed the societies of the Chesapeake, the Caribbean, and South Carolina.

  • Describe and explain why slavery became the dominant labor system in the southern colonies and how it affected the social and political order.

  • Contrast Spanish settlements in the Southwest with the British colonies of the Southeast.

Davidson: Experience HistoryOnline Learning Center

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