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Martin Gottfried
These writing prompts are followed by text boxes for your input. If you are working online and your instructor has given you the go-ahead, you can e-mail your work to him or her by clicking the "E-mail Your Answers" button. You can also e-mail a copy to yourself as a record of your work. If you are working offline, you will have to copy your answers (CTRL-C on most systems) and paste them (CTRL-V) into a text document to retain a record of your work.
Congressional Testimony
In 1997, Dr. Leon James, Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii, testified before Congress on the issue of road rage. A transcript of this testimony can be found here. Do you think road rage is a serious enough issue to warrant congressional hearings? Is it really that important? Have you ever felt endangered by road rage? If so, please describe your experience.
Dealing with Anger
Anger can be difficult to control in any setting, not just on the road ways. On this page, presents five tips on dealing with anger. Read these tips, and evaluate them. Do you think they would help you when you lose your temper? How often do you get angry? Do you think it is too often? Do you feel it is ever appropriate to become enraged? If so, when?