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Judith Viorst
These writing prompts are followed by text boxes for your input. If you are working online and your instructor has given you the go-ahead, you can e-mail your work to him or her by clicking the "E-mail Your Answers" button. You can also e-mail a copy to yourself as a record of your work. If you are working offline, you will have to copy your answers (CTRL-C on most systems) and paste them (CTRL-V) into a text document to retain a record of your work.
Redbook Magazine.
This article originally appeared in Redbook magazine. Visit the website for the magazine. Look around the site for a while, and try to draw some conclusions about the magazine's target audience. What kind of people is Redbook hoping to attract? Are they people like yourself? If not, how are they different? How does this knowledge affect your reading of Viorst’s piece? Do you think most people who enjoyed her article would also enjoy the magazine? Why or why not?
Male and Female Friends
Viorst’s essay is specifically about female friends. Do you agree with her eight basic types of friends? Can these eight types be applied to male friendships as well, or do you think they require a different set of classifications? In the space below, try to classify your own friendship types—male, female, or both.