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Carolina Rego
These writing prompts are followed by text boxes for your input. If you are working online and your instructor has given you the go-ahead, you can e-mail your work to him or her by clicking the "E-mail Your Answers" button. You can also e-mail a copy to yourself as a record of your work. If you are working offline, you will have to copy your answers (CTRL-C on most systems) and paste them (CTRL-V) into a text document to retain a record of your work.
The Complaint-Letter Generator
This humor site will automatically generate a complaint letter directed at the organization of your choice. The letters are too elaborate to be used seriously, but what kind of value could there be in producing a comically over-the-top letter of complaint? Have you ever encountered a situation where you wanted to complain about someone or something, but realized it wouldn’t help matters? What did you do instead?
Letters vs. Emails
In recent years, email has become an extremely popular form of communication. If nothing else, email is much faster than a traditional letter; this holds true for letters of complaint, as well. Look at this site called The Art of Writing Email. Consider the differences between emails and letters. Do you prefer receiving an email or a letter? Do you prefer writing an email or a letter? Would you be more inclined to write a complaint letter or a complaint email? Why or why not? What would be some advantages and disadvantages of both?