1. Process analysis examines an activity so that we might understand or perform it.
2. There are countless activities surrounding us, and knowing how to understand, explain, and do them is a basic survival skill.
3. Writing for a specific audience is critical in process analysis.
4. Process instructions require a complete list of steps.
5. Each step or suggestion must be explained clearly and thoroughly.
6. Wherever needed, be sure to provide warnings.
7. Clarifying terms is essential in process analysis. When in doubt, define.
8. Avoid "Dick-and-Jane" sentence patterns. Polish your draft for sentence variety.
9. Most process instructions are organized chronologically.
10. Grouping steps within a larger process is often necessary.
11. The topic sentence in a process analysis should interest the reader, mention the topic, and indicate that an explanation of how to do or to understand is forthcoming.
12. Writing is never complete until it has gone through several revisions and careful editing.
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