1. An essay is a group of related paragraphs that develop some overall point or thesis.
2. An essay is similar to a single body paragraph, requiring an introduction, development, and a conclusion.
3. The greatest differences between a single-paragraph paper and an essay are length and introductory and concluding paragraphs.
4. Introductory paragraphs usually consist of a hook, development, and thesis.
5. Thesis sentences are much like topic sentences except a thesis may be slightly more general to accommodate more and/or more complex examples, details, and explanations.
6. There are many methods for developing interesting introductions.
7. Body paragraphs often begin with topic sentences and sometimes end with summary sentences.
8. Concluding paragraphs consist of a lead sentence, summary, and development.
9. Concluding paragraphs may be developed in several ways, including using a frame and/or expanded thought.
10. Essays should be unified (all material is relevant) and coherent (all sentences are clearly linked).
11. A title is an important finishing element in an essay, and there are strategies for creating interesting ones.
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