1. Definition is the act of limiting and clarifying the meaning of a word, of separating it from other similar terms.
2. We define daily at home, school and work.
3. Brief definitions--synonyms, negation, comparisons, formal--are often part of a paragraph or essay being developed with a single pattern, such as process analysis or comparison and contrast.
4. Brief definitions may be a single word or a short phrase, often enclosed by commas, parentheses, or dashes.
5. Extended-definition essays often use brief definitions and several patterns of development.
6. Definition depends on thoroughly explained and detailed examples.
7. Transitional words and other connectors are especially important in bridging the gap between paragraphs.
8. Definition essays can be organized chronologically but are frequently arranged by order of importance.
9. A thesis sentence is a critical first step in focusing an extended definition essay.
10. Outlining even a brief essay is a logical and valuable prewriting technique.
11. Topic sentences are an essential part of a coherent body paragraph.
12. Writing is never complete until it has gone through several revisions and careful editing.
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