1. Like verbs and nouns, pronouns are an essential part of speech. Pronouns like he, this, who, myself and everyone stand in the place of nouns and are useful for creating variety in our sentences.
2. A pronoun refers to an antecedent, a word for which the pronoun substitutes.
3. Pronouns and antecedents must agree in number. Singular antecedents need singular pronouns, and so forth.
4. Compound antecedents have at least two parts, connected with the conjunctions and, or and nor. When the antecedent is linked by or or nor, the pronoun should agree with the nearest part.
5. Pronoun case is one of three forms a pronoun can take to show its function in a sentence: subject, object or possessor.
6. Comparisons and the relative pronouns who/whoever and whom/whomever can cause occasional confusion. Mastering usage rules is essential.
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