Graziana Lazzarino,
University of Colorado, Boulder
ISBN: 0073386251 Copyright year: 2012
What's New?
Presentiamo l’Italia is a two-page spread that follows the Capitolo Preliminare and presents the geographical diversity of Italy. Each subsequent chapter includes L’Italia regionale, a page that introduces students to the twenty regions of Italy.
Musical content is now incorporated into each chapter via the new Angolo musicale feature.
An iTunes playlist accompanies the Angolo musicale feature, making the music accessible to students and instructors.
The textbook contains over 90 new or significantly revised vocabulary and grammar activities, with 65% more partner or group activities.
Five Le città d’Italia video segments are new to this edition, showcasing five Italian cities: Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples, and Rome.
A chapter-culminating activity, Attività di riepilogo, has been added to Chapters 1-18 of the Instructor Edition of the Prego! Online Learning Center.
CENTRO brings together all the online and media resources of the Prego! program including the online versions of the workbook and laboratory manual, the music playlist and a link to the accompanying iMix in iTunes, new interactive games, and the video program.