Lazzarino 8e
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MH World Languages

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Prego!: An Invitation to Italian, 8/e

Graziana Lazzarino, University of Colorado, Boulder

ISBN: 0073386251
Copyright year: 2012

What's New?

  • Presentiamo l’Italia is a two-page spread that follows the Capitolo Preliminare and presents the geographical diversity of Italy. Each subsequent chapter includes L’Italia regionale, a page that introduces students to the twenty regions of Italy.
  • Musical content is now incorporated into each chapter via the new Angolo musicale feature.
  • An iTunes playlist accompanies the Angolo musicale feature, making the music accessible to students and instructors.
  • The textbook contains over 90 new or significantly revised vocabulary and grammar activities, with 65% more partner or group activities.
  • Five Le città d’Italia video segments are new to this edition, showcasing five Italian cities: Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples, and Rome.
  • A chapter-culminating activity, Attività di riepilogo, has been added to Chapters 1-18 of the Instructor Edition of the Prego! Online Learning Center.
  • CENTRO brings together all the online and media resources of the Prego! program including the online versions of the workbook and laboratory manual, the music playlist and a link to the accompanying iMix in iTunes, new interactive games, and the video program.
Prego!, 8e

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