Site MapHelpFeedbackDas Einwohnermeldeamt (Residents’ Registration Office)
Das Einwohnermeldeamt (Residents’ Registration Office)
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German Language Search Engines

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Yahoo! Germany (


German residents have to register their address at the local Residence Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt) within a week of moving to a new location. This office is typically located in city hall. Using one or more of the search engines listed above, find a website that allows you to answer the following questions:

1. What items do you need in order to register?
2. What is an Anmeldebestätigung?
3. How do you obtain a residency permit?

Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).

Possible Keywords:

germany residence registration
german residence registration

The registration form is usually available at the Einwohnermeldeamt. The homepage of some cities provides this form as well. Using one or more of the search engines listed above, find the homepage of a city that makes this form available online. Then list the names of the fields on this form and give their English equivalents. Don’t be afraid to guess. Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).

Possible Keywords:

Einwohnermeldeamt Anmeldeformular
Stadt Anmeldeformular

Pretend you have just moved to the city on whose homepage you found the registration form in step #2 above. Fill in the registration form as completely as you can. Make your answers as authentic as possible by researching street names, postal codes, area codes, etc. Don't be afraid to guess if you don't understand particular words or phrases. Write a list of your entries in the box below, for example:

Familienname: Smith
Vorname: John

Deutsch: Na klar!, 6eOnline Learning Center

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