1 |  |  You just found a nice apartment in your favorite German city. Now you get to decorate it! Imagine that you are going to order some furniture online. Don't get carried away, though! You are on a budget and have only 1,500 Euros to spend. Using one or more of the search engines listed above, find an online furniture store in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland. Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).
In German, write a list of the furniture items you already have, which ones you still need, why you decided on a particular item, and what you will pay for each item. You'll find you need verbs like brauchen, kaufen, kosten, suchen, and haben in order to write your list. For example:
- Ich habe ...
- Ich brauche ...
- Ich kaufe ...
- Der Tisch kostet ...
Be prepared to share this information with some of your classmates! Your instructor may ask you to share your shopping list and budget information with the class.
Possible Keywords:
Wohnzimmer Möbel
Schlafzimmer Möbel |