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Feste und Feiertage: Persönliche Grüße
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German Language Search Engines

Google Germany (
Google Austria (
Google Switzerland (
Yahoo! Germany (
Yahoo! Austria (
Yahoo! Switzerland (

Germans celebrate the following public holidays: New Year's Day (Neujahrstag), Good Friday (Karfreitag), Easter Monday (Ostermontag), Labor Day (Tag der Arbeiter), Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt), Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag), Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit), and Christmas (Weihnachten). The religious holidays Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige), Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam), Assumption (Mariä Himmelfahrt), All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen), and Day of Repentance (Buß- und Bettag) are observed only in some federal states.

Using one or more of the search engines listed above, find the date when each public holiday is celebrated this year and indicate those holidays and dates in the box below. Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).

Possible Keywords:

deutsche Feiertage
Feiertage Deutschland
Many people in German-speaking countries like to send greeting cards (Grußkarten) on a great number of occasions. On some of these occasions—birthdays, Christmas, to say "thank you"—cards are almost expected and are considered an expression of proper etiquette.

Using one or more of the search engines listed above, find out what occasions Germans, Swiss, or Austrians send personalized greeting cards. What are the similarities/differences between the your country and one of those countries in this regard? Record your observations and be prepared to share them with your instructor and classmates. Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).

Possible Keywords:

Feiertage Grußkarten
If possible, select one of the cards and send a personalized greeting to one of your classmates. Be sure to write your greeting in German! Print out any card you receive and bring it to class with you.

Deutsch: Na klar!, 6eOnline Learning Center

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