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Adressen und Telefonnummern
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German Language Search Engines

Google Germany (
Google Austria (
Google Switzerland (
Yahoo! Germany (
Yahoo! Austria (
Yahoo! Switzerland (

The postal code for most European cities precedes the name of the city. The postal code itself is preceded by the country code. The country code for Germany is D; for Austria, A; for Switzerland, CH. Using one or more of the search engines listed above, determine what cities the following postal codes correspond to. In Germany: 10115, 81245; in Austria: 1004, 5020; in Switerland: 8001, 8750. Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).

Possible Keywords:

Postleitzahlen Deutschland
Postleitzahlen Schweiz
Postleitzahlen Österreich
Every country has a country calling code. If you wish to call a phone number in Germany, you need to dial first the calling code for Germany. Using one or more of the search engines listed above, determine the calling code for Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. What calling code would you have to dial to call the United States or Canada from Germany? Please document the website(s) you consulted by referencing the URL(s).

Possible Keywords:

Vorwahl Deutschland
Vorwahl Schweiz
Vorwahl Österreich

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