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Regards sur la culture: Le déclin de la campagne
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To boost tourism and increase understanding of the agricultural lifestyle in the Languedoc-Roussillon area, a network of farms called "Bienvenue à la ferme" has been created to welcome visitors. The farms vary in approach … a few of the different types include:

  • les fermes équestres, where one can ride horses.
  • les fermes auberges, with restaurants. The menu is composed of farm products.
  • les fermes de séjour, similar to a bed and breakfast, with rooms for rent and a small restaurant area.
  • la chasse à la ferme, where one can hunt on farm property.

At the little museum,"La Ferme Caussenarde d’Autrefois" in Hyelzas, one can explore 18th-century farm life on an old restored farm.

The mountainous countryside of Languedoc-Roussillon and the Cévennes, in particular, with its numerous dramatic gorges, lends itself to rugged and unusual sports. Tourists flock to the region to participate in activities such as hiking, skydiving, and rock-climbing. One of the sports unique to this area is called canyoning, descending canyons in the gorges by sliding down the falls, rappelling down rock faces, and hiking. Spéléologie, the exploration of caves and tunnels, is another popular sport.

The famous Gorges du Tarn in Languedoc-Roussillon cut through the mountains of the Massif central. One can enjoy both whitewater kayaking and peaceful canoeing on its spectacular transparent green waters.

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Comparez les Cévennes à une région de votre pays. Est-ce que les Cévennes ressemblent plus à l’est ou à l'ouest de votre pays? À quelles activités sportives est-ce que l'on participe dans cette région?

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