1. Moral Theory Moral Philosophy / What Is the Purpose of Moral Theories? / The Types of Moral Theories / Relativism in Ethics / Moving Beyond Ethical Relativism / Morality and Religion / Universality and Religious Ethics / Universal Moral Theories / Ethical Egoism / Utilitarianism / Deontology: The Ethics of Duty / Rights-Based Ethics / Virtue Ethics / Conclusion / Aristotle, from Nicomachean Ethics / Ayn Rand, from The Fountainhead / Jeremy Bentham, from An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation / John Stuart Mill, from Utilitarianism / Immanuel Kant, from Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics / John Rawls, from A Theory of Justice / John Locke, from Two Treatises of Civil Government / Ayn Rand, "Man's Rights" / Nel Noddings, from Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education / Confucius, from The Analects / P. Don Premasiri, "The Relevance of the Noble Eightfold Path to Contemporary Society" 2. AbortionBackground / The History of Abortion in the United States / The U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade Decision / Abortion and Religion / Stages of Fetal Development / Methods of Abortion / The Moral Issues / Conclusion / Judith Jarvis Thomson, "A Defense of Abortion" / John T. Noonan Jr., "An Almost Absolute Value in History" / Mary Anne Warren, "The Moral Significance of Birth" / Don Marquis, "Why Abortion Is Immoral" / Serrin M. Foster, "Refuse to Choose: Women Deserve Better than Abortion" / Steven D. Hales, "Abortion and Fathers' Rights" / Case Studies 3. Genetic Engineering, Cloning and Stem Cell ResearchThe History of Genetic Engineering / The Human Genome Project / Genetic Engineering / Cloning / Stem Cell Research / Moral Issues of Genetic Engineering and Cloning / Conclusion / Matt Ridley, "The New Eugenics" / Judith A. Johnson and Erin D. Williams, "Human Cloning: ethical and Social Issues" / Leon Kass, "The Wisdom of Repugnance: Why We Should Ban the Cloning of Humans" / James Langevin, "Statement in Support of H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act" / George W. Bush, "Stem Cell Research Policy" / Lori Andrews and Dorothy Nelkin, "Whose Body Is It Anyway? Dispute over Body Tissue in a Biotechnology Age" / Case Studies 4. Euthanasia and Assisted SuicideWhat Is Euthanasia? / The Philosophers on Euthanasia / The Contemporary Debate over Euthanasia / Euthanasia Legislation / Physician-Assisted Suicide / The Hospice Movement / The Moral Issues / Conclusion / James Rachels, "Active and Passive Euthanasia" / Margaret Pabst Battin, "The Case for Euthanasia" / J. Gay-Williams, "The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia" / John Hardwig, "Is There a Duty to Die?" / Susan M. Wolf, "A Feminist Critique of Physician-Assisted Suicide" / Case Studies 5. The Death Penalty
History of the Death Penalty / The Death Penalty Today / The Death Penalty: Juvenile and Mentally Retarded Offenders / The Medicalization of Executions / DNA Testing / The Philosophers on the Death Penalty / Moral Issues / Conclusion / Ernest Van Den Haag, "The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense of Capital Punishment" / Christopher W. Morris, "Punishment and Loss of Moral Standing" / Hugo Adam Bedau, "Capital Punishment" / Jeffrey Reiman, "Why the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished in the United States" / Helen Prejean, from Dead Man Walking / Case Studies 6. Drug and Alcohol UseWhat Is a Drug? / The History of Drug and Alcohol Use / Legal and Illegal Drugs / Drug and Alcohol Use Today / Drug and Alcohol Use among College Students / Drugs in Sports / The Disease Model of Addiction / The Moral Model of Addiction / The Philosophers on Drug and Alcohol Abuse / Moral Issues / Conclusion / Thomas Szasz, "The Ethics of Addiction" / James Q. Wilson, "Against the Legalization of Drugs" / Douglas N. Husak, "A Moral Right to Use Drugs" / Thomas H. Murray, "Drugs, Sports, and Ethics" / Norman Fost, "Ethical and Social Issues in Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports / Case Studies 7. Sexual Intimacy and MarriageReligious and Cultural Attitudes toward Sexuality and Marriage / Sexual Intimacy and Love / Marriage / Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriages / Cohabitation and Premarital Sex / The Philosophers on Sexuality and Marriage / Adultery and Infidelity / Sex and Violence / Prostitution and Sex Trade / Moral Issues / Conclusion / The Vatican, from Declaration on Sexual Ethics / Sara Ruddick, "Better Sex" / Michael Ruse, "Is Homosexuality Bad Sexuality?" / Margaret H. Marshall and Robert J. Coady, "Goodridge v. Department of Health (2003) / Cheshire Calhoun, "Family's Outlaws: Rethinking the Connections between Feminism, Lesbianism, and the Family" / Richard Wasserstrom, "Is Adultery Immoral?" / Lois Pineau, "Date Rape: A Feminist Analysis" / Case Studies 8. Feminism, Motherhood, and the WorkplaceFeminism / The Philosophers on Women / Pornography / Motherhood / Women in the Workplace / Sexual Harassment / Moral Issues / Conclusion / Simone de Beauvoir, "The Second Sex" / Ruth Groenhout, "Essentialist Challenges to Liberal Feminism" / Christina Hoff Sommers, "Philosophers against the Family" / Linda Hirshman, "Homeward Bound" / Cathy Young, "The Return of the Mommy Wars" / Steven Goldberg, "The Logic of Patriarchy" / Katie Roiphe, "Reckless Eyeballing: Sexual Harassment on Campus" / Case Studies 9. Freedom of SpeechWhat Is "Freedom of Speech"? / Limitations on Freedom of Speech / The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution / Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace and Telemarketing / Pornography / Hate Speech as Protected Speech / Speech Codes and Free Speech Zones on College Campuses / The Philosophers on Freedom of Speech / Moral Issues / Conclusion / John Stuart Mill, from On Liberty / Catharine A. MacKinnon, "Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech" / Charles R. Lawrence III, "If He Hollers Let Him Go: Regulating Racist Speech on Campus" / Nadine Strossen, "Hate Speech and Pornography: Do We Have to Choose Between Freedom of Speech and Equality" / Stanley Fish, "There's No Such Thing as Free Speech and It's a Good Thing, Too" / Alan M. Dershowitz, "Political Correctness, Speech Codes, and Diversity" / Cass R. Sunstein, "The First Amendment in Cyberspace" / Case Studies 10. Racial Discrimination and Global JusticeDefining the Key Terms / The Philosophers on Racism / The Roots of American Racism / Racism Today / Globalization, Colonialism, and Racism / Moral Issues / Conclusion / Lyndon B. Johnson, "To Fulfill These Rights" / Jorge Garcia, "The Heart of Racism" / Bernard R. Boxill, "The Color-Blind Principle" / Michael Levin, "Race, Biology, and Justice" / Uma Narayan, "Colonialism and Its Others: Considerations on Rights and Care Discourses" / William I. Robinson, "'Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos!' Global Capital and Immigrant Rights" / Thomas Pogge, "World Poverty and Human Rights" / Case Studies 11. War and TerrorismBackground / The Philosophers on War and Terrorism / The Just-War Tradition / Weapons of Mass Destruction / Pacifism and Conscription / Moral Issues / Conclusion / Elizabeth Anscombe, "War and Murder" / C.A.J. Coady, "War and Terrorism" / Sohail H. Hashmi, "Interpreting the Islamic Ethics of War and Peace" / Robinson A. Grover, "The New State of Nature and the New Terrorism" / Jonathan Granoff, "Nuclear Weapons, Ethics, Morals and Law" / David Luban, "The War on Terrorism and the End of Human Rights" / Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, "Sharing the Burden" / Ron Paul, "Conscription: The Terrible Price of War" / Jonathan Granoff, "Peace and Security" / Case Studies 12. Animal Rights and Environmental EthicsThe Legal and Moral Status of Nonhuman Animals / The Legal and Moral Status of the Environment / The Philosophers on the Moral Value of Nonhuman Animals and the Environment / Animal Farming, Environmental Degradation, and Vegetarianism / Pollution and Global Warming / Animal Experimentation / Moral Issues / Conclusion / Tom Regan, "The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism" / Jan Narveson, "Animal Rights Revisited" / Peter Singer, from Animal Liberation / Carl Cohen, "Do Animals Have Rights?" / Aldo Leopold, "The Land Ethic" / Bill Devall and George Sessions, "Deep Ecology" / Ban Ki-Moon, "The Challenge of Climate Change and Global Warming" / Karen J. Warren, "The Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism" / Case Studies |