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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The composition of a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases is 30%-N2 and 70%-CO2 by mole fraction. What is the mass fraction of the nitrogen constituent?
A mixture of helium and nitrogen is 50%-He and 50%-N2 by mass analysis. What is the mole fraction of the helium in this mixture?
The composition of a gas mixture is 40%-O2, 40%-N2, and 20%-He by mass analysis. What is the apparent molecular weight of this mixture?
A)6.71 kg/kg-mol
B)13.02 kg/kg-mol
C)15.70 kg/kg-mol
D)18.60 kg/kg-mol
The composition of a mixture of gases is 50%-CO2, 40%-O2, and 10%-He by volume analysis. What is the apparent molecular weight of this mixture?
A)19.3 kg/kg-mol
B)24.6 kg/kg-mol
C)28.7 kg/kg-mol
D)35.2 kg/kg-mol
A 1 m3 container contains a mixture of gases composed of 0.02 kg-mol of O2 and 0.04 kg-mol of He at a pressure of 200 kPa. What is the temperature of this ideal gas mixture?
A)300 K
B)350 K
C)400 K
D)450 K
A 200 liter container holds 0.5 kg of air and 0.2 kg of helium at a temperature of 350 K. What is the pressure of this ideal gas mixture?
A)1.4 MPa
B)1.6 MPa
C)1.8 MPa
D)2.0 MPa
A mixture composed of 70%-CO2 and 30%-He by volume analysis is contained at 1 MPa. What is the partial pressure of the He in this mixture?
A)300 kPa
B)450 kPa
C)600 kPa
D)700 kPa
A mixture of 30%-Ar and 70%-CO2 by volume analysis. This mixture is contained in a rigid vessel at 200 kPa, 27°C. The vessel is now heated until the mixture temperature is 127°C. Assuming that the specific heats do not change, how much heat was required?
A)1.10 MJ/kg-mol
B)2.40 MJ/kg-mol
C)1.10 MJ/kg
D)2.40 MJ/kg
A mixture of 20%-CO2 and 80%-N2 by volume is expanded from 1 MPa, 227°C to 200 kPa as it passes through an adiabatic, steady-flow turbine. Assuming this process is reversible and the specific heats are constant, how much work is produced by this expansion?
A)137.9 kJ/kg
B)164.5 kJ/kg
C)174.3 kJ/kg
D)194.2 kJ/kg

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