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Learning Objectives
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The objectives of Chapter 16 are to:

Develop the equilibrium criterion for reacting systems based on the second law of thermodynamics.

Develop a general criterion for chemical equilibrium applicable to any reacting system based on minimizing the Gibbs function for the system.

Define and evaluate the chemical equilibrium constant.

Apply the general criterion for chemical equilibrium analysis to reacting ideal-gas mixtures.

Apply the general criterion for chemical equilibrium analysis to simultaneous reactions.

Relate the chemical equilibrium constant to the enthalpy of reaction.

Establish the phase equilibrium for nonreacting systems in terms of the specific Gibbs function of the phases of a pure substance.

Apply the Gibbs phase rule to determine the number of independent variables associated with a multi-component, multiphase system

Apply Henry’s law and Raoult’s law for gases dissolved in liquids.

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