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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Air is expanded in a closed system from 1 MPa, 327°C to 100 kPa in an isentropic process. The system surroundings are at 100 kPa, 27°C. How much useful work did this system produce during this process?
A)91 kJ/kg
B)103 kJ/kg
C)135 kJ/kg
D)210 kJ/kg
The electrical power supplied to a resistor is dissipated as heat. If the temperature of the resistor is T and the temperature of the surroundings is T0, what is the irreversibility rate of this process?
A)T0 iΔ V / T
B)T iΔV / T0
C)(1 - T / T0) iΔV
D)(1 - T0 / T) iΔV
A 1 m3 vessel contains air at 1 MPa, 327°C. Assuming standard conditions for the surroundings, what is the maximum amount of work that can be done by the air in this vessel?
A)790 kJ
B)826 kJ
C)1012 kJ
D)1290 kJ
Steam enters a turbine at 3 MPa, 350°C with a velocity of 15 m/s. What is the specific exergy of this steam assuming the surroundings are at standard conditions?
A)678 kJ/kg
B)827 kJ/kg
C)968 kJ/kg
D)1116 kJ/kg
Steam at 3 MPa, 350°C is expanded through an adiabatic, steady-flow turbine to a saturated vapor at 100 kPa. The second law efficiency of this turbine is:
Exergy is always
A)Being produced
B)Being destroyed
C)Not changing
D)None of these
A heat exchanger maintains the air temperature in a room at 25°C by condensing saturated water vapor at 125 kPa to saturated liquid water. The specific exergy destruction associated with this heat exchanger is:
A)932 kJ/kg
B)958 kJ/kg
C)1241 kJ/kg
D)1378 kJ/kg
Exergy destruction is a result of:
A)Heat transfer
B)Work production
C)Process irreversibility's
D)None of these
Air is compressed from 100 kPa, 27°C to 900 kPa, 327°C in an adiabatic piston-cylinder device. What is the irreversibility of this process?
A)19.66 kJ/kg
B)22.31 kJ/kg
C)28.73 kJ/kg
D)32.17 kJ/kg
An adiabatic, steady-flow heat exchanger condenses 10,000 kg/hr of saturated steam vapor at 200 kPa to a saturated liquid also at 200 kPa. The condensing steam heats 220,000 kg/hr of air at 100 kPa, 25°C to 100 kPa, 125°C. What is the rate at which exergy is destroyed by this heat exchanger?
A)0 MJ/hr
B)270 MJ/hr
C)1327 MJ/hr
D)2295 MJ/hr

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