Richard G. Budynas,
Rochester Institute of Technology J. Keith Nisbett,
Missouri University of Science and Technology
ISBN: 0073398209 Copyright year: 2015
New to This Edition
Enhancements and modifications to the tenth edition are described in the following
• A new Chap. 20, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, has been added to introduce
an important topic in machine design. Most of the major manufacturing companies
utilize geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) as a standardized means of
accurately representing machine parts and assemblies for the purposes of design, manufacture, and quality control. Unfortunately, many mechanical engineers do not have
sufficient exposure to the notation and concepts of GD&T to interpret the drawings.
During the time when GD&T was becoming most prevalent in manufacturing,
many engineering schools were phasing out comprehensive drafting courses in
favor of computerized CAD instruction. This was followed by another transition to
3D solid modeling, where the part was drawn with ideal dimensions. Unfortunately,
this ability to draw a perfect part in three dimensions is all too often accompanied
by a neglect of focus on how to accurately and uniquely represent the part for
manufacture and inspection.
A full understanding of GD&T is usually obtained through an intensive course
or training program. Some mechanical engineers will benefit from such a rigorous
training. All mechanical engineers, however, should be familiar with the basic concepts
and notation. The purpose of the coverage of GD&T in this new chapter is
to provide this foundational exposure that is essential for all machine designers.
It is always a challenge to find time to include additional material in a course. To
facilitate this, the chapter is arranged and presented at a level appropriate for students
to learn in an independent study format. The problems at the end of the chapter are
more like quiz questions, and are focused on checking comprehension of the most
fundamental concepts. Instructors are encouraged to consider using this chapter as
a reading assignment, coupled with even a minimal lecture or online discussion.
Of course, there is ample material for expanded presentation and discussion as well.
• Chapter 1, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, has been expanded to
provide more insight into design practices. Further discussion of the development
of the design factor is presented, as well as the statistical relationships between
reliability and the probability of failure, and reliability and the design factor. Statistical
considerations are provided here rather than in a chapter at the end of the
text as in past editions. The section on Dimensions and Tolerances has been
expanded to emphasize the designer’s role in specifying dimensions and tolerances
as a critical part of machine design.
• The chapter of the previous edition, Statistical Considerations, has been eliminated.
However, the material of that chapter pertinent to this edition has been integrated
within the sections that utilize statistics. The stand-alone section on stochastic methods
in Chap. 6, Fatigue Failure Resulting from Variable Loading, has also been eliminated.
This is based on user input and the authors’ convictions that the excessive amount of
development and data provided in that section was far too involved for the simple class
of problems that could be solved. For instructors who still want access to this material,
it is available on McGraw-Hill’s Online Learning Center at
• In Chap. 11, Rolling-Contact Bearings, the Weibull probability distribution is
defined and related to bearing life.
• In conjunction with the Connect Engineering resource, the end-of-chapter problems
have been freshly examined to ensure they are clearly stated with less room for
vague interpretations. Approximately 50 percent of the problems are targeted for
Connect implementation. With the problem parameterization available in this Web based
platform, students can be assigned basic problems with minimal duplication
from student to student and semester to semester. For a good balance, this edition
maintains many end-of-chapter problems that are open-ended and suitable for
exploration and design.