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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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Mary and Jane were working as a team in the POL. The schedule for that day was very busy. Mary had just drawn blood. As she attempted to dispose of the contaminated needle into the sharps container, Jane reached for a reagent and was accidentally stuck. Explain what Jane must do and list the post-exposure procedure steps that her employer must follow.
A patient infected with HIV is having a blood test in the POL. What precautions should you take when you draw his blood? When you perform the blood test?
Joseph, a student, is instructed to visit a lab to see how safety rules are being observed. Make a list of at least eight safety rules that Joseph could easily observe when he visits the lab.
Anna, a lab technician, performs the following tasks in the following order. After which tasks should she wash her hands?
A laboratory fails a fire safety inspection only because an exit in the lab is partially blocked. List three other safety requirements that it must have met.
Web Research: Go to and search for the updated U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposure to HBV, HCV, and HIV. Report to the class the recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis for health care personnel for these three infections.

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