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Advanced Venipuncture Techniques

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

12.1 use and spell each of the vocabulary terms appropriately.

12.2 describe the equipment used for capillary collection and the butterfly technique.

12.3 discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the capillary puncture collection method.

12.4 state the advantages and disadvantages of the butterfly method of collection.

12.5 discuss when it is best to use the routine evacuated tube method and syringe method of venipuncture.

12.6 describe several difficulties that may occur when performing venipuncture and how to avoid or correct these situations.

12.7 explain the special considerations needed for patients with mastectomies.

12.8 list several adverse reactions to blood collection and describe how to respond to each situation.

12.9 describe the circumstances in which you would perform a syringe or butterfly venipuncture, fingerstick, or heelstick.

12.10 state the correct site of a heelstick and fingerstick.

12.11 list the order of collection for syringe and capillary puncture procedure.

12.12 describe the difference between a capillary and a venous specimen.

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