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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge
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If a patient is taking the drug primidone, how may his or her RBC count be affected? Why?
Mrs. Potts just had a urinalysis and a complete blood count as part of a routine physical exam. Her WBC count was 16,000/mm3, and the urinalysis revealed a small amount of blood in her urine. What diagnosis do you think the doctor will make? Why?
In the POL where you work, you are responsible for doing blood counts. How would you respond to each of the following situations and why?

a. In the first square you count on the hemacytometer, there are 30 white blood cells, and in the second there are 45.

b. There appears to be an air bubble under one corner of the hemacytometer coverslip.

c. The red blood cells appear to be clumped together in bunches on the hemacytometer.

d. A blood sample was left at room temperature overnight because it was overlooked the day before, and the doctor wants to know what happened to the blood count that she ordered.

It was nearing the end of Brad’s shift, and he had just one more blood count to perform for the day. As soon as he flooded the hemacytometer, he focused the microscope and began counting red blood cells. To save time, he counted cells on only one side of the counting chamber. What errors did Brad make? What should he have done instead?
Assume that you are performing an RBC count in the POL where you work using the Unopette kit for RBC. You count the red blood cells under high-power magnification and come up with these tallies for the five squares on one side of the hemacytometer counting chamber: 100, 99, 103, 94, and 105. For the other side of the counting chamber the numbers are 103, 105, 98, 97, and 101. Calculate the patient's RBC count, showing all of the steps.
Before performing an RBC count for a patient, you notice on her chart that she is taking an anticonvulsant drug for epilepsy and a diuretic for high blood pressure. How will these medications affect her RBC count?
You have just performed a WBC count, which turned out to be 990/mm3. What should you do?

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