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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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Assume that you have been instructed by your lab supervisor to help a new lab worker identify stained white blood cells in a differential blood smear slide. What characteristics of stained white cells would you point out as most useful in distinguishing the different types?
Assume that you just got a platelet count of 30,000 using the automated hematology machine in your POL. How can you confirm the low platelet count by examining the patient’s stained blood smear slide?
You have a stained differential blood smear slide for a 9-month-old infant showing small red cells with very little color. The pale center is larger than in a normal red cell. What condition does this child have? What is the child's hemoglobin concentration likely to be?
A patient's differential blood smear slide, which was stained using the quick-stain method, is too dark for good viewing. What is the problem and how can it be corrected?
A differential blood smear slide that you are examining has dark blue and purple sediment scattered over it, which interferes with a clear view of the formed element. What is the problem and how can it be corrected?

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