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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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You have just received a request for a rheumatoid arthritis test. What controls should you run with the patient test to be certain that the reagents are reacting as they should?
A teenage patient came to the laboratory for a CBC, blood chemistries, and an immunology test. He has been very sick with flulike symptoms and is not recovering well. When you examine the stained blood differential slide, you find many large, abnormal lymphocytes. What antigen-antibody test might the physician order to help diagnose this patient's condition?
A small child has been brought to the laboratory for a throat smear. The mother told you that the physician prescribed antibiotics to prevent a possible occurrence of rheumatic fever. What bacterial infection does the physician suspect? What immunology test might the physician order to diagnose it?
One of the patients in the clinic received an allergy shot, and in just a few minutes she began to choke from severe edema of the larynx. What type of reaction did the patient have?
You have just typed a pregnant woman's blood for both ABO and Rhesus blood groups. There were no agglutinations. What is her blood type?

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