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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge
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Answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

Dr. Singh is very upset. Mrs. Levy, one of his patients, just informed him that a neighbor had started a rumor that Mrs. Levy's 13-year-old daughter is pregnant. The neighbor had seen the 13-year-old’s name recorded with a positive pregnancy test result in the POL's patient test log. The log had been left open on a table near the test collection site where the neighbor had a blood specimen drawn. In fact, the pregnancy test report belonged to a 30-year-old woman with the same name as the13-year-old. Why should this mix-up never have occurred? How could it have been prevented?
Dr. Paro had lunch with some friends who told her that they overheard her POL staff gossiping about her patients at a local restaurant. How should Dr. Paro deal with this problem?
Jera has been asked to collect a fasting blood specimen from a patient named Mr. Boroughs. When she checks to be sure that he has fasted according to instructions, he tells her that he had only a doughnut for breakfast instead of his usual bacon and eggs. When Jera tries to explain that fasting means no food at all, Mr. Boroughs becomes angry and tells her that she had better take his blood now anyway because he is not going to miss any more work. What should Jera do?
Anne, a new worker in the POL, has been told by a coworker that she lacks seniority and has to take whatever shifts the other lab personnel do not want. During her job interview, Anne had been assured of fair rotation. How can she find out which is the correct policy of the POL?
Isabella has just completed a patient urinalysis. The urine contained many bacteria and had a high level of glucose and protein. She is not sure if she should call it to the physician’s attention because he is having a very busy morning. What do you think Isabella should do?
Mrs. Bond is upset because she has been asked to return to the doctor's office this morning for another blood test. The lab personnel failed to draw enough blood yesterday for all of the tests that were requested. How could this problem have been avoided?
The POL where Tony works has been accused of reporting an erroneous positive result for a syphilis test to an insurance company. The report embarrassed the patient and caused him to lose a job. How should the POL staff determine if they were negligent?
The mother of a child with a birth defect believes that her doctor's office lab failed to report a positive test for protein in her urine before the child was born. The mother is suing the clinic for malpractice in causing the birth defect of her child. What evidence is needed to determine if the POL met acceptable medical standards?

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