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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge
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A 20-month-old toddler is in the doctor's office and needs a random urine specimen. How will you collect it?
A female patient is referred to the laboratory to collect a clean-catch, midstream urine specimen. What instructions should you give the patient to ensure that the urine specimen is not contaminated?
Two patients with urinalysis requisition slips come to the lab where you work. A sample is collected from each and the patients leave the office. When you go to do the urinalysis, you realize that the samples are unidentified, so you don't know which sample belongs to which patient. What should you do? What are some changes that should be made in the urine collection procedure in the lab?
A 24-hour urine specimen has been ordered for a patient. He has come to the laboratory for instructions. What instructions should you give the patient?

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