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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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Answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

Assume that you are employed in a clinical laboratory and that one of your duties is performing urinalysis. The urine specimens submitted for testing have a variety of appearances. Some are clear, others are cloudy, and there are variations in color. Some also have distinctive odors. Why is it important to make note of these physical characteristics of urine?
A patient has just handed you a urine specimen with an intense orange-gold color. Yellow foam floats on top. What might be the cause of the abnormal appearance of the urine?
Among the urine specimens this morning is one with a pungent odor of ammonia. What could this smell indicate?
Assume that you perform the urinalysis in the POL where you work. What quality control will you employ to ensure that your specific gravity readings are accurate?
An infant's urine has been submitted to the laboratory with a request for a CLINITEST® along with routine urinalysis. Why would such a request be made?
In the lab where you work, several patients have tested positive for urinary protein. Classify each of the following protein levels as marked, moderate, or minimal, and list two possible causes of each:

a. 5 grams/day:

b. 2 grams/day:

c. 0.2 gram/day:

Mrs. Jones' urine specimen tests positive for nitrite and leukocyte esterase and is strongly alkaline (8.5). It also has an ammonia smell. What type of illness might she have?
Mrs. Jones' urine specimen tests positive for nitrite and leukocyte esterase and is strongly alkaline (8.5). It also has an ammonia smell. What type of illness might she have?
Mr. Chan's urinalysis strip test for protein was negative, yet the physician has ordered a precipitation test for him, which you know also screens for protein. Why did the doctor order a confirmation test for an analyte when the screening test was negative?
Elaine's urine specimen appears normal, but the urinalysis strip test reveals occult blood. She does not understand how blood can be present without being obvious. The doctor has asked you to explain this to her. What do you say?
One of the urine specimens that you analyzed today tested positive for occult blood. What is the clinical significance of this finding?
Your student group is visiting a clinical laboratory. One of the students asks why both screening and confirmation tests are done for a single analyte. She thinks that it might be quicker and cheaper to use just confirmation tests in the first place and eliminate screening. Explain to her why the laboratory uses screening tests in addition to confirmation tests.
You are employed in a clinical laboratory where you perform a urinalysis that tests positive for bilirubin. With what infectious disease might this patient be infected?
As the clinical worker in charge of the urinalysis section, how will you maintain quality control of urine testing?
Jerry is having a busy day in the laboratory. He dips urinalysis strips into several different urine specimens at the same time and attempts to read several urinalysis strips simultaneously. What problem do you see in this scenario?
Clarisse has just received the printout from the new urine chemistry analyzer for the first batch of samples that she is testing using the new instrument. She cannot find anything on the printout about color or clarity of the samples and fears that the instrument is malfunctioning. What do you think might be the problem?
Juan has just one more urine sample to analyze before he is done with work for the day. There are no more urinalysis strips in the box, so he has to open a new one. The urine control has already been used the specified number of times. Juan decides just to test the urine sample and forgo quality control this one time. What should Juan have done? Why?

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