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Medical Glossary S-Z
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sacrum  A triangular-shaped bone that consists of five fused vertebra. (24)
sagittal  An anatomic term that refers to the plane that divides the body into left and right portions. (22)
salutation  A written greeting, such as "Dear," used at the beginning of a letter. (10)
sanitization  A reduction of the number of microorganisms on an object or a surface to a fairly safe level. (9)
sarcolemma  The cell membrane of a muscle fiber. (25)
sarcoplasm  The cytoplasm of a muscle fiber. (25)
sarcoplasmic reticulum  The endoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber. (25)
SARS  A severe and acute respiratory illness characterized by fever and a nonproductive cough that progresses to the point at which insufficient oxygen is present in the blood. (29)
saturated fat  Fats, derived primarily from animal sources, that are usually solid at room temperature and that tend to raise blood cholesterol levels. (55)
scabies  Skin lesions that are very itchy and caused by a burrowing mite. Scabies is most commonly found between the fingers and on the genitalia. (23)
scanner  An optical device that converts printed matter into a format that can be read by the computer and inputs the converted information. (8)
scapula  Thin, triangular shaped, flat bones located on the dorsal surface of the rib cage; also called shoulder blades. (24)
Schwann cell  A neuroglial cell whose cell membrane coats the axons. (27)
sciatica  Pain in the low back and hip radiating down the back of the leg along the sciatic nerve. (30)
sclera  The tough, outermost layer, or "white," of the eye, through which light cannot pass; covers all except the front of the eye. (35)
scoliosis  A lateral curvature of the spine, which is normally straight when viewed from behind. (24, 38)
scored  An indented line on a tablet where the medication can be broken into pieces. (53)
scratch test  An allergy test in which extracts of suspected allergens are applied to the patient's skin and the skin is then scratched to allow the extracts to penetrate. (42)
screening  Performing a diagnostic test on a person who is typically free of symptoms. (14)
screen saver  A program that automatically changes the monitor display at short intervals or constantly shows moving images to prevent burn-in of images on the computer screen. (8)
scrotum  In a male, the sac of skin below the pelvic cavity that contains the testes. (32)
sebaceous  A type of oil gland found in the dermis. (23)
sebum  An oily substance produced by sebaceous glands. (23)
secondary diagnosis  Diagnosis other than the primary diagnosis for other conditions that are also affecting the patient at the time of the visit. (18)
Security Rule  The technical safeguards that protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of health information covered by HIPAA. The Security Rule specifies how patient information is protected on computer networks, the Internet, disks, and other storage media. (5)
seizure  A series of violent and involuntary contractions of the muscles; also called a convulsion. (30)
self-confidence  Believing in oneself; assured. (3)
sella turcica  A deep depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland sits. (24)
semen  Sperm and the various substances that nourish and transport them. (32)
semicircular canals  Structures in the inner ear that help a person maintain balance; each of the three canals is positioned at right angles to the other two. (35)
seminal vesicles  A pair of convoluted tubes that lie behind the bladder. These tubes secrete a fluid that provides nutrition for the sperm. (32)
seminiferous tubules  These tubes contain spermatogenic cells and are located in the lobules of the testes. (32)
sensorineural hearing loss  This type of hearing loss occurs when neural structures associated with the ear are damaged. Neural structures include hearing receptors and the auditory nerve. (43)
sensory  Afferent neurons that carry sensory information from the periphery to the central nervous system. (30)
sensory adaptation  A process in which the same chemical can stimulate receptors only for a limited amount of time until the receptors eventually no longer respond to the chemical. (35)
sensory teaching  Method of teaching that provides patient with a description of the physical sensations he or she may have as part of the learning or the procedure involved. (14)
septic shock  A state of shock resulting from massive, widespread infection that affects the blood vessels' ability to circulate blood. (57)
sequential order  One after another in a predictable pattern or sequence. (15)
serosa  The outermost layer of the alimentary canal; also known as the visceral peritoneum. (35)
serous cells  One of two types of cells that make up the salivary glands. These cells secrete a watery fluid that contains amylase. (33)
serum  The liquid portion of blood (plasma) when all of the clotting factors have been removed. (27)
serum separators  A type of blood collection tube with an additive that, when spun, forms a gel-like barrier between serum and the clot in a coagulated blood sample. (48)
service contract  A contract that covers services for equipment that are not included in a standard maintenance contract. (8)
severe acute respiratory syndrome  See SARS.
sex chromosome  Chromosome of the 23rd pair. (22)
sex-linked trait  Traits that are carried on the sex chromosomes, or X and Y chromosomes. (22)
sexual harassment  Unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment. (56)
sigmoid colon  An S-shaped tube that lies between the descending colon and the rectum. (33)
sigmoidoscopy  A procedure in which the interior of the sigmoid area of the large intestine, between the descending colon and the rectum, is examined with a sigmoidoscope, a lighted instrument with a magnifying lens. (42)
sign  An objective or external factor, such as blood pressure, rash, or swelling, that can be seen or felt by the physician or measured by an instrument. (11, 38)
signature block  The writer's name and business title found four lines below the complimentary closing in a business letter. (10)
silicosis  Chronic lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica dust. (29)
simplified letter style  A modification of the full-block style in which the salutation and complimentary closing are omitted and a subject line typed in all capital letters is placed between the address and the body of the letter. (10)
single-entry account  An account that has only one charge, usually for a small amount, for a patient who does not come in regularly. (20)
sinoatrial node  A small bundle of heart muscle tissue in the superior wall of the right atrium that sets the rhythm (or pattern) of the heart's contractions; also called sinus node or pacemaker. (26)
sinusitis  Inflammation of the lining of a sinus. (29)
skinfold test  A method of measuring fat as a percentage of body weight by measuring the thickness of a fold of skin with a caliper. (55)
skip  A patient who has moved without leaving a forwarding address and his bill is unpaid. (20)
slander  The speaking of defamatory words intended to prejudice others against an individual in a manner that jeopardizes his or her reputation or means of livelihood. (5)
SLE  See systemic lupus erythematosus.
sleep apnea  A condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. (49)
slit lamp  An instrument composed of a magnifying lens combined with a light source; used to provide a minute examination of the eye's anatomy. (43)
smear  A specimen spread thinly and unevenly across a slide. (46)
SNS  See somatic nervous system.
SOAP  An approach to medical records documentation that documents information in the following order: S ( subjective data), O ( objective data), A (assessment), P (plan of action). (11)
soft skills  Personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance, and career prospects. (3)
software  A program, or set of instructions, that tells a computer what to do. (8)
sole proprietorship  A form of medical practice management in which a physician practices alone, assuming all benefits and liabilities for the business. (5)
solution  A homogeneous mixture of a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance in a liquid, such as a dissolved drug in liquid form. (53)
somatic  A division of the peripheral nervous system that connects the central nervous system to skin and skeletal muscle. (30)
somatic nervous system (SNS)  A system that governs the body's skeletal or voluntary muscles. (30)
SOMR  Source-oriented medical record.
SPECT  Single photon emission computed tomography; a radiologic procedure in which a gamma camera detects signals induced by gamma radiation and a computer converts these signals into two-or three-dimensional images that are displayed on a screen. (50)
speculum  An instrument that expands the vaginal opening to permit viewing of the vagina and cervix. (39)
spermatids  Immature sperm before they develop their flagella (tails). (32)
spermatocytes  The cells that result when spermatogonia undergo mitosis. (32)
spermatogenesis  The process of sperm cell formation. (32)
spermatogenic cells  The cells that give rise to sperm cells. (32)
spermatogonia  The earliest cell in the process of spermatogenesis. (32)
sphenoid  A bone that forms part of the floor of the cranium.
sphincter  A valve-like structure formed from circular bands of muscle. Sphincters are located around various body openings and passages. (25, 33)
sphygmomanometer  An instrument for measuring blood pressure; consists of an inflatable cuff, a pressure bulb used to inflate the cuff, and a device to read the pressure. (37)
spinal nerves  Peripheral nerves that originate from the spinal cord. (30)
spirillum  A spiral-shaped bacterium. (46)
spirometer  An instrument that measures the air taken in and expelled from the lungs. (49)
spirometry  A test used to measure breathing capacity. (49)
splenectomy  Surgical removal of the spleen. (28)
splint  A device used to immobilize and protect a body part. (57)
splinting catheter  A type of catheter inserted after plastic repair of the ureter; it must remain in place for at least a week after surgery. (47)
spores  A resistant form of certain species of bacteria. (9)
sprain  An injury characterized by partial tearing of a ligament that supports a joint, such as the ankle. A sprain may also involve injuries to tendons, muscles, and local blood vessels and contusions of the surrounding soft tissue. (57)
stain  In microbiology, a solution of a dye or group of dyes that imparts a color to microorganisms. (46)
standard  A specimen for which test values are already known; used to calibrate test equipment. (45)
standardization  The consistency of the active ingredient(s) in a supplement from batch to batch and from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Standard Precautions  A combination of Universal Precautions and Body Substance Isolation guidelines; used in hospitals for the care of all patients. (6)
stapes  A small bone in the middle ear that is attached to the inner ear; also called the stirrup. (35)
statement  A form similar to an invoice; contains a courteous reminder to the patient that payment is due. (20)
State Unemployment Tax Act (SUTA)  Some states are also governed by this act; these taxes are filed along with FUTA taxes. (56)
statute of limitations  A state law that sets a time limit on when a collection suit on a past-due account can legally be filed. (20)
stent  A metal mesh tube used to hold a vessel open. (42)
stereoscopy  procedure that uses a specially designed microscope (stereoscopic, or Greenough, microscope) with double eyepieces and objectives to take films at different angles and produce three-dimensional images; used primarily to study the skull. (50)
sterile field  An area free of microorganisms used as a work area during a surgical procedure. (44)
sterile scrub assistant  An assistant who handles sterile equipment during a surgical procedure. (44)
sterilization  The destruction of all microorganisms, including bacterial spores, by specific means. (9)
sterilization indicator  A tag, insert, tape, tube, or strip that confirms that the items in an autoclave have been exposed to the correct volume of steam at the correct temperature for the correct amount of time. (9)
sternum  A bone that forms the front and middle portion of the rib cage; also called the breastbone or breast plate. (24)
steroidal hormone  A hormone derived from steroids that are soluble in lipids and can cross cell membranes very easily. (34)
stethoscope  An instrument that amplifies body sounds. (37)
strabismus  A condition that results in a lack of parallel visual axes of the eyes; commonly called crossed eyes. (35)
strain  A muscle injury that results from overexertion or overstretching. (57)
stratum basale  The deepest layer of the epidermis of the skin. (23)
stratum corneum  The most superficial layer of the epidermis of the skin. (23)
stratum germinativum  The deepest layer of the epidermis; also known as stratum basale. (23)
stressor  Any stimulus that produces stress. (34)
stress test  A procedure that involves recording an electrocardiogram while the patient is exercising on a stationary bicycle, treadmill, or stairstepping ergometer, which measures work performed. (44)
striations  Bands produced from the arrangement of filaments in myofibrils in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. (25)
stroke  A condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is impaired. It may cause temporary or permanent damage. (57)
stylus  A pen-like instrument that records electrical impulses on ECG paper. (49)
subarachnoid space  An area between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater. (30)
subcategories  The 4th digits added to many ICD-9 codes giving further specificity to the diagnosis. (18)
subclinical case  An infection in which the host experiences only some of the symptoms of the infection or milder symptoms than in a full case. (6)
subcutaneous (subcut)  Under the skin. (53)
subjective  Pertaining to data that are obtained from conversation with a person or patient. (11)
subjective data  Information about the patient's condition that includes thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. (36)
subject line  Optional line of two to three words that appears three lines below the inside address of a business letter. (10)
sublingual  Under the tongue. (53)
sublingual gland  The smallest of the salivary glands. (50)
submandibular gland  The gland that is located in the floor of the mouth. (33)
submucosa  The layer of the alimentary canal located between the mucosa and the muscular layer. (33)
subpoena  A written court order that is addressed to a specific person and requires that person's presence in court on a specific date at a specific time. (5)
subpoena duces tecum  Latin; a legal document that requires the recipient to bring certain written records to court to be used as evidence in a lawsuit. (5)
substance abuse  The use of a substance in a way that is not medically approved, such as using diet pills to stay awake or consuming large quantities of cough syrup that contains codeine. Substance abusers are not necessarily addicts. (36, 40)
sucrase  An enzyme that digests sugars. (33)
sudoriferous  The sweat glands. (23)
suffix  A word part that comes at the end of a medical term that alters the meaning of the term. (22)
sulci  The grooves on the surface of the cerebrum. (30)
superbill  A form that combines the charges for services rendered, an invoice for payment or insurance copayment, and all the information for submitting an insurance claim; also known as an encounter form. (20)
superficial  Anatomic term meaning closer to the surface of the body. (22)
superior  Anatomic term meaning above or closer to the head; also called cranial. (22)
supernatant  The liquid portion of a substance from which solids have settled to the bottom, as with a urine specimen after centrifugation. (47)
supination  Turning the palm of the hand upward. (25)
surfactant  Fatty substance secreted by some alveolar cells that helps maintain the inflation of the alveoli so that they do not collapse in on themselves between inspirations. (29)
surgeon  A physician who use hands and medical instruments to diagnose and correct deformities and treat external and internal injuries or disease. (2)
surgical asepsis  The elimination of all microorganisms from objects or working areas; also called sterile technique. (44)
susceptible host  An individual who has little or no immunity to infection by a particular organism. (6)
SUTA  See State Unemployment Tax Act.
suture  Fibrous joints in the skull. (30) A surgical stitch made to close a wound. (24, 44)
symmetry  The degree to which one side of the body is the same as the other. (38)
sympathetic division  A division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares organs for fight-or-flight (stressful) situations. (30)
symptom  A subjective, or internal, condition felt by a patient, such as pain, headache, or nausea, or another indication that generally cannot be seen or felt by the doctor or measured by instruments. (11, 38)
synaptic knob  The end of the axon branch. (30)
synaptic space  The space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next. (30)
synergist  Muscles that help the prime mover by stabilizing joints. (25)
synovial  A type of joint, such as the elbow or knee, that is freely moveable. (24)
systemic circuit  The route that blood takes from the heart through the body and back to the heart. (26)
systemic circulation  The circulation of blood through the arteries, capillaries, and veins of the general system, from the left ventricle to the right atrium. (26)
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)  An autoimmune disorder in which a person produces antibodies that target the person's own cells and tissues. (28)
systolic pressure  The blood pressure measured when the left ventricle of the heart contracts. (26)
tab  A tapered rectangular or rounded extension at the top of a file folder. (15)
tablet PC  A laptop or slateshaped mobile computer, equipped with a touchscreen or graphics tablet to operate the computer with a digital pen, or a fingertip instead of a keyboard or mouse. (8)
Tabular List  One of two ways that diagnoses are listed in the ICD-9. In the Tabular List, the diagnosis codes are listed in numerical order with additional instructions. (18)
tachycardia  Rapid heart rate, generally in excess of 100 beats per minute. (37)
tachypnea  Abnormally rapid breathing. (37)
targeted résumé  A résumé that is focused on a specific job target. (58)
tarsals  Bones of the ankle. (24)
taste bud  A structure that is made of taste cells (a type of chemoreceptor) and supporting cells. (35)
tax liability account  Money withheld from employees' paychecks and held in a separate account that must be used to pay taxes to appropriate government agencies. (56)
teamwork  Working with others in the best interest of completing the job. (3)
telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD)  Telephone accessory that transmits and receives text over standard telephone lines. Also referred to as teletypewriter (TTY) and text telephone (TT). (13)
telephone triage  A process of determining the level of urgency of each incoming telephone call and how it should be handled. (13)
teletherapy  A radiation therapy technique that allows deeper penetration than brachytherapy; used primarily for deep tumors. (50)
teletype (TTY) device  A specially designed telephone that looks very much like a laptop computer with a cradle for the receiver of a traditional telephone. It is used by the hearing impaired to type communications onto a keyboard. (7)
telophase  The final stage of mitosis; chromosomes reach the centrioles and the division creating two cells, each with a complete set of chromosomes, is completed. (22)
template  A guide that ensures consistency and accuracy. (10)
temporal  Bones that form the lower sides of the skull. (24)
temporal mandibular joint (TMJ)  The location where the mandible attaches to the temporal bone. (24)
temporal scanner  An instrument used to measure the body temperature by scanning the temporal artery in the forehead. (37)
tendon  A cord-like fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone. (25)
tendonitis  Inflammation of a tendon. (25)
terminal  Fatal.
terminal digit  A small group of two to three numbers at the end of a patient number that is used as an identifying unit in a filing system. (15)
testes  The primary organs of the male reproductive system. Testes produce the hormone testosterone. (32)
testosterone  A hormone produced by the testes that maintains the male reproductive structures and male characteristics such as deep voice, body hair, and muscle mass. (32)
tetanus  A disease caused by Clostridium tetani living in the soil and water; more commonly called lockjaw. (25)
thalamus  Structure that acts as a relay station for sensory information heading to the cerebral cortex for interpretation; a subdivision of the diencephalon. (30)
thalassemia  An inherited form of anemia with a defective hemoglobin chain causing micocytic (small), hypochromic (pale), and short-lived red blood cells. (27)
therapeutic team  A group of physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and other specialists who work with patients dealing with chronic illness or recovery from major injuries. (54)
therapeutic touch  The use of touch to detect and correct a person's energy fields, thus promoting healing and health.
thermography  A radiologic procedure in which an infrared camera is used to take photographs that record variations in skin temperature as dark (cool areas), light (warm areas), or shades of gray (areas with temperatures between cool and warm); used to diagnose breast tumors, breast abscesses, and fibrocystic breast disease. (50)
thermometer  An instrument, either electronic or disposable, that is used to measure body temperature. (37)
thermotherapy  The application of heat to the body to treat a disorder or injury. (54)
third-party check  A check made out to one recipient and given in payment to another, as with one made out to a patient rather than the medical practice. (21)
third-party payer  A health plan that agrees to carry the risk of paying for patient services. (17)
thoracocentesis  Medical procedure where a sterile needle is introduced into the chest to remove fluid and pus. (29)
thoracostomy  The surgical insertion of a chest tube to provide continuous drainage of the thoracic (chest) cavity. (29)
thorax  The chest cavity. (29)
thrombocytes  See platelets. (27)
thrombophlebitis  A medical condition that most commonly occurs in leg veins when a blood clot and inflammation develop. (27)
thrombus  A blood clot that forms on the inside of an injured blood vessel wall. (27)
thymosin  A hormone that promotes the production of certain lymphocytes.(34)
thymus gland  A gland that lies between the lungs. It secretes a hormone called thymosin. (34)
thyroid cartilage  The largest cartilage in the larynx. It forms the anterior wall of the larynx. (29)
thyroid gland  An endocrine gland, consisting of irregularly spheroid follicles, lying in front and to the sides of the upper part of the trachea, in a horseshoe shape, with two lateral lobes connected by a narrow central portion, the isthmus; occasionally an elongated offshoot, the pyramidal lobe, passes upward from the isthmus in front of the trachea. It is supplied by branches from the external carotid and subclavian arteries, and its nerves are derived from the middle cervical and cervicothoracic ganglia of the sympathetic system. It secretes thyroid hormone and calcitonin. (34)
thyroid hormone  A hormone produced by the thyroid gland that increases energy production, stimulates protein synthesis, and speeds up the repair of damaged tissue. (34)
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)  A hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to release its hormone. (34)
tibia  The medial bone of the lower leg; commonly called the shin bone. (24)
tickler file  A reminder file for keeping track of time-sensitive obligations. (15)
timed urine specimen  A specimen of a patient's urine collected over a specific time period. (47)
time management  Utilizing time in an effective manner to accomplish the desired results. (3)
time-specified scheduling  A system of scheduling where patients arrive at regular, specified intervals, assuring the practice a steady stream of patients throughout the day. (16)
tinea  A fungal infection. (23)
tinnitus  An abnormal ringing in the ear. (43)
tissue  A structure that is formed when cells of the same type organize together. (22)
T lymphocyte  A type of nongranular leukocyte that regulates immunologic response; includes helper T cells and suppressor T cells. (48)
tonometer  An instrument for determining pressure or tension, especially determining ocular tension. (43)
topical  Applied to the skin. (44)
tort  In civil law, a breach of some obligation that causes harm or injury to someone. (5)
torticollis  A muscular disease causing a cervical deformity in which the head bends toward the affected side while the chin rotates to the opposite side. (25)
touchpad  A type of pointing device common to laptop and notebook computers that directs activity on the computer screen by positioning a pointer or cursor on the screen. It is a small, flat device or surface that is highly sensitive to touch. (8)
touch screen  A type of computer monitor that acts as an intake device, receiving information through the touch of a pen, wand, or hand directly to the screen. (8)
tourniquet  An instrument for temporarily arresting the flow of blood to or from a distal part by pressure applied with an encircling device. (48)
tower case  A vertical housing for the system unit of a personal computer. (8)
toxicology  The study of poisons or poisonous effects of drugs. (51)
trachea  The part of the respiratory tract between the larynx and the bronchial tree that is tubular and made of rings of cartilage and smooth muscle; also called the windpipe. (29)
trackball  A pointing device with a ball that is rolled to position a pointer or cursor on a computer screen. It can be directly attached to the computer or can be wireless. (8)
tracking  (financial) Watching for changes in spending so as to help control expenses. (21)
traction  The pulling or stretching of the musculoskeletal system to treat dislocated joints, joints afflicted by arthritis or other diseases, and fractured bones. (54)
trade name  A drug's brand or proprietary name. (51)
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)  An ancient system of medicine originating in China that involves herbal and animal source preparations to treat illness. TCM includes various treatments such as acupuncture and acupressure.
transcription  The transforming of spoken notes into accurate written form. (11)
transcutaneous absorption  Entry (as of a pathogen) through a cut or crack in the skin. (9)
transdermal  A type of topical drug administration that slowly and evenly releases a systemic drug through the skin directly into the bloodstream; a transdermal unit is also called a patch. (53)
transfer  To give something, such as information, to another party outside the doctor's office. (11)
transurethral resection of prostate  Removal of the prostate through the urethra.
transverse  Anatomic term that refers to the plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions. (22)
transverse colon  The segment of the large intestine that crosses the upper abdominal cavity between the ascending and descending colon. (32)
traveler's check  A check purchased and signed at a bank and later signed over to a payee. (21)
treatment, payments, and operations (TPO)  The portion of HIPAA that allows the provider to use and share patient health-care information for treatment, payment, and operations (such as quality improvement). (5)
triage  To assess the urgency and types of conditions patients present as well as their immediate medical needs. (2)
TRICARE  A program that provides healthcare benefits for families of military personnel and military retirees. (17)
trichinosis  A disease caused by a worm that is usually ingested from undercooked meat. (25)
tricuspid valve  A heart valve that has three cusps and is situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle. (26)
triglycerides  Simple lipids consisting of glycerol (an alcohol) and three fatty acids. (33)
trigone  The triangle formed by the openings of the two ureters and the urethra in the internal floor of the bladder. (31)
troubleshooting  Trying to determine and correct a problem without having to call a service supplier. (8)
Truth in Lending Statement  A written description of the agreed terms of payment between the patient and medical practice when payment will be made in more than four installments. (20)
trypsin  A pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. (33)
TSH  See thyroid-stimulating hormone.
TTY device  See teletype device.
tubular reabsorption  The second process of urine formation in which the glomerular filtrate flows into the proximal convoluted tubule. (31)
tubular secretion  The third process of urine formation in which substances move out of the blood in the peritubular capillaries into renal tubules. (31)
tutorial  A small program included in a software package designed to give users an overall picture of the product and its functions. (8)
tympanic membrane  A fibrous partition located at the inner end of the ear canal and separating the outer ear from the middle ear; also called the eardrum. (35)
tympanic thermometer  A type of electronic thermometer that measures infrared energy emitted from the tympanic membrane. (37)
ulna  The medial bone of the lower arm. (24)
ultrasonic cleaning  A method of sanitization that involves placing instruments in a cleaning solution in a special receptacle that generates sound waves through the cleaning solution, loosening contaminants. Ultrasonic cleaning is safe for even very fragile instruments. (9)
ultrasound  The noninvasive therapeutic or diagnostic use of very high frequency sound waves for examination of internal body structures. (50)
umami  Savory taste produced by glutamic acid ( monosodium glutamate), recognized as the fifth taste sensation. (35)
umbilical cord  The rope-like connection between the fetus and the placenta. It contains the umbilical blood vessels. (32)
unbundling  Use of several Current Procedural Terminology codes for a service when one inclusive code is available. (19)
underbooking  Leaving large, unused gaps in the doctor's schedule; this approach does not make the best use of the doctor's time. (16)
uniform donor card  A legal document that states a person's wish to make a gift upon death of one or more organs for medical research, organ transplants, or placement in a tissue bank. (5)
unit  A part of an individual's name or title, described in indexing rules. (15)
unit price  The total price of a package divided by the number of items that comprise the package. (8)
Universal Precautions  Specific precautions required by the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent healthcare workers from exposing themselves and others to infection by bloodborne pathogens. (6)
unsaturated fats  Fats, including most vegetable oils, that are usually liquid at room temperature and tend to lower blood cholesterol. (55)
upcoding  Coding to a higher level of service than that provided to obtain higher reimbursements. (19)
upper respiratory  The common cold. (29)
urea  Waste product formed by the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids. (31)
ureters  Long, slender, muscular tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. (31)
urethra  The tube that conveys urine from the bladder during urination. (31)
uric acid  Waste product formed by the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids. (31)
urinalysis  The physical, chemical, and microscopic evaluation of urine to obtain information about body health and disease. (47)
urinary catheter  A sterile plastic tube inserted to provide urinary drainage. (47)
urinary pH  A measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of urine. (47)
urine specific gravity  A measure of the concentration or amount (total weight) of substances dissolved in urine. (47)
urobilinogen  A colorless compound formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin in the intestines. Elevated levels in urine may indicate increased red blood cell destruction or liver disease, whereas lack of urobilinogen in the urine may suggest total bile duct obstruction. (47)
urologist  A specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the kidney, bladder, and urinary system. (2)
use  The sharing, employing, applying, utilizing, examining, or analyzing of individually identifiable health information by employees or other members of an organization's workforce. (5)
uterus  A hollow, muscular organ that functions to receive an embryo and sustain its development; also called the womb. (32)
uvula  The part of the soft palate that hangs down in the back of the throat. (33)
uvulotomy  Surgical procedure removing all or part of the uvula of the soft palate. (29)
vaccine  A special preparation made from microorganisms and administered to a person to produce reduced sensitivity to, or increased immunity to, an infectious disease. (6)
vagina  A tubular organ that extends from the uterus to the labia.(32)
vaginal introitus  The vaginal os or orifice. The opening of the vagina to the outside of the body. (32)
vaginitis  Inflammation of the vagina characterized by an abnormal vaginal discharge. (32)
varicose veins  Distended veins that result when vein valves are destroyed and blood pools in the veins, causing these veins to dilate. (26)
vas deferens  A tube that connects the epididymis with the urethra and that carries sperm. (32)
vasectomy  A male sterilization procedure in which a section of each vas deferens is removed. (39)
vasoconstriction  The constriction of the muscular wall of an artery to increase blood pressure. (26)
vasodilation  The widening of the muscular wall of an artery to decrease blood pressure. (26)
V code  A code used to identify encounters for reasons other than illness or injury, such as annual checkups, immunizations, and normal childbirth. (18)
vector  A living organism, such as an insect, that carries microorganisms from an infected person to another person. (6)
venipuncture  The puncture of a vein, usually with a needle, for the purpose of drawing blood. (48)
ventilation  Moving air in and out of the lungs; also called breathing. (29)
ventral  See anterior. (22)
ventral root  A portion of the spinal nerve that contains axons of motor neurons only. (30)
ventricle  Interconnected cavities in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid. (30)
ventricular fibrillation  An abnormal heart rhythm that is the most common cause of cardiac arrest. (57)
verbalizing  Stating what you believe the patient is suggesting or implying. (36)
vermiform appendix  A structure made mostly of lymphoid tissue and projecting off the cecum. It is commonly referred to as simply the appendix. (33)
vertical file  A filing cabinet featuring pull-out drawers that usually contain a metal frame or bar equipped to handle letter- or legal-sized documents in hanging file folders. (15)
vertigo  Dizziness. (35)
vesicles  Small sacs within the synaptic knobs that contain chemicals called neurotransmitters. (30)
vestibule  The space enclosed by the labia minora. (32) The area in the inner ear between the semicircular canals and the cochlea. (35)
VF  See ventricular fibrillation.
vial  A small glass bottle with a selfsealing rubber stopper. (44)
vibrio  A comma-shaped bacterium. (46)
virtual private network (VPN)  These are used to connect two or more computer systems. (8)
virulence  A microorganism's disease-producing power. (6)
virus  One of the smallest known infectious agents, consisting only of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat; can live and grow only within the living cells of other organisms. (46)
visceral pericardium  The innermost layer of the pericardium that lies directly on top of the heart; also known as the epicardium. (26)
visceral peritoneum  Also known as the serosa, the outermost layer of the abdominal organs that secretes serous fluid to keep the organs from sticking to each other. (33)
visceral smooth muscle  A type of smooth muscle containing sheets of muscle that closely contact each other. It is found in the walls of hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines, bladder, and uterus. (25)
vitamins  Organic substances that are essential for normal body growth and maintenance and resistance to infection. (55)
vitreous humor  A jelly-like substance that fills the part of the eye behind the lens and helps the eye keep its shape. (35)
voice mail  An advanced form of answering machine that allows a caller to leave a message when the phone line is busy.
void (void)  (legal) A term used to describe something that is not legally enforceable. (5)
volume  The amount of space an object, such as a drug, occupies. (52)
vomer  A thin bone that divides the nasal cavity. (24)
voucher check  A business check with an attached stub, which is kept as a receipt. (21)
VPN  See virtual private network.
vulva  External female genitalia. (32)
vulvovaginitis  Inflammation of the external female genitalia and vagina. (32)
walk-in  A patient who arrives without an appointment. (16)
WAN  See wide area network. (8)
warranty  A contract that specifies free service and replacement of parts for a piece of equipment during a certain period, usually a year.
warts  Flesh-colored skin lesions with distinct round borders that are raised and often have small finger-like projections; also called verruca. (23)
wave scheduling  A system of scheduling in which the number of patients seen each hour is determined by dividing the hour by the length of the average visit and then giving that number of patients appointments with the doctor at the beginning of each hour. (16)
weight  The product of the force of gravity, defined internationally as 9.81 (m/sec)/sec, × the mass of the body. (52)
wellness  A philosophy of life and personal hygiene that views health as not merely the absence of illness but the fullest realization of one's physical and mental potential, as achieved through positive attitudes, fitness training, a diet low in fat and high in fiber, and the avoidance of unhealthful practices. (2)
Western blot test  A blood test used to confirm enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test results for HIV infection. (46)
wet mount  A preparation of a specimen in a liquid that allows the organisms to remain alive and mobile while they are being identified. (46)
white matter  The outer tissue of the spinal cord that is lighter in color than gray matter. It contains myelinated axons. (30)
whole blood  The total volume of plasma and formed elements, or blood in which the elements have not been separated by coagulation or centrifugation. (48)
whole-body skin examination  An examination of the visible top layer of the entire surface of the skin, including the scalp,genital area, and areas between the toes, to look for lesions, especially suspicious moles or precancerous growths. (42)
whole foods  Foods that have little or no processing before they are eaten. (2)
wide area network (WAN)  A computer network in which the computers connected may be far apart, generally having a radius of half a mile or more. (8)
Wood’s light examination  A type of dermatologic examination in which a physician inspects the patient's skin under an ultraviolet lamp in a darkened room. (42)
word root  The base meaning of a medical term.
work ethic  A set of values of hard work held by employees. (3)
work practice controls  Controlling workplace injuries by altering the way a task is performed. (6)
work quality  Striving for excellence in doing the job; pride in one's performance. (3)
World Health Organization  A unit of the United Nations devoted to international health problems. (18)
write-it-once  A manual bookkeeping system where the daily log has prepunched holes on the right or left side of the log. Prepunched charge sheets (of NCR paper) are placed in designated areas on top of the day sheet, which has been placed on the pegboard. The patient ledger card is placed between the day sheet and the charge sheet and an entry is made; it appears on all three documents at the same time. (21)
written-contract account  An agreement between the physician and patient stating that the patient will pay a bill in more than four installments. (20)
X12 837 Health Care Claim  An electronic claim transaction that is the HIPAA Health Care Claim or Equivalent Encounter Information ("HIPAA claim"). (17)
xeroradiography  A radiologic procedure in which x-rays are developed with a powder toner, similar to the toner in photocopiers, and the x-ray image is processed on specially treated xerographic paper; used to diagnose breast cancer, abscesses, lesions, or calcifications.
xiphoid process  The lower extension of the breast-bone; the cartilaginous tip of the sternum. (24)
yeast  A fungus that grows mainly as a single-celled organism and reproduces by budding. (46)
yoga  A series of poses and breathing exercises that provide awareness of the unity of the whole being. The practice of yoga also increases flexibility and strength.
yolk sac  The sac that holds the materials for the nutrition of the embryo. (32)
Zip drive  A Zip drive is a highcapacity floppy disk drive developed by Iomega®. Zip disks are slightly larger and about twice as thick as a conventional floppy disk. Zip drives can hold 100 to 750 MB of data. They are durable and relatively inexpensive. They may be used for backing up hard disks and transporting large files. (8)
zona pellucida  A layer that surrounds the cell membrane of an egg. (32)
Z-track method  A technique used when injecting an intramuscular (IM) drug that can irritate subcutaneous tissue; involves pulling the skin and subcutaneous tissue to the side before inserting the needle at the site, creating a zigzag path in the tissue layers that prevents the drug from leaking into the subcutaneous tissue and causing irritation. (53)
zygomatic  The bones that form the prominence of the cheeks. (24)
zygote  The cell that is formed from the union of the egg and sperm. (32)

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