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Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
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1DNA from different individuals rarely have the same distance between restriction endonuclease sites.

2What are restriction fragment length polymorphisms?
A)Different sized alleles for the same gene.
B)Fragments of the same size that are produced from two different DNA samples when they are cleaved with the same restriction endonuclease.
C)The different sized fragments that are produced when two different DNA samples are cleaved with the same restriction endonuclease.

3What is one of the possible ways RFLP can arise?
A)Through mutations
B)Through injury
C)Through illness

4A DNA fingerprint is a unique pattern of bands of DNA that have been separated by gel electrophoresis, after the original DNA strand was cleaved by a restriction endonuclease.

5RFLPs are used to identify people in criminal investigations and to identify people ____________.
A)for blood transfusions.
B)at risk for certain genetic disorders.
C)for organ donation.

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