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Before You Read

Choose the best definition for each word according to its context.

The most populous country in the Spanish-speaking world, Mexico is a popular tourist destination, offering coastal beach resorts, pre-Columbian ruins (from civilizations that lived in Mexico before the time of Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492), colonial towns, and a vibrant capital city.

Pre-Columbian refers to the time __.
A)before Columbus
B)after the Spanish conquest
C)before Mexican independence
Before the Spanish conquest in the early sixteenth century, many different civilizations flourished in Mexico, including the Olmec, Maya, Toltec, and finally the Aztec civilizations. In 1519, the Spaniard Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlán, capturing Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, and toppling his empire.

Flourished means __.
B)grew well and succeeded
The pollution, which is generated by car exhaust, factory emissions, and leaking residential gas tanks, leads to respiratory and eye problems among Mexico City residents. Infants suffer the most and, on bad days, fill hospital emergency rooms.

Suffer means __.
A)to be healthy
B)to feel important
C)to feel pain and sickness
Mexican cowboys, called charros, are part of charrería, a cultural system of values, clothing, music, and equestrian sports that involve the handling of horses and bulls while on horseback.

Equestrian means __.
A)relating to sports
B)relating to horses
C)related to cowboys
The living also celebrate with pan de muerto (a special bread decorated to look like bones) and skull-shaped candies and marzipan. To outsiders, this tradition may seem strange, even morbid, yet to Mexicans it's their way of saying that death is a natural part of life.

Morbid means __.
B)pleasantly surprising
C)unnaturally interested in death
Despite Chiapas's reputation as dangerous, many visitors to the region comment that the state capital of San Cristóbal de las Casas is a gem. The city, in fact, has become a hot destination for international backpackers in search of a bohemian lifestyle.

If a city is described as a gem, it means it is __.
C)bright and loud

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