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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Many field crops were wasted during the Depression because
A)owners refused to pay to have them harvested.
B)owners could not afford to have them marketed.
C)the crops would not sell for fair value in the marketplace.
D)all of these.
Because both labor unions and agricultural capitalists were so uninterested in the condition of field workers,
A)angry workers struck nearly every year.
B)Communists easily infiltrated workers' unions.
C)the government began to regulate conditions.
D)all of these.
Which of the following statements about women cannery workers is NOT true?
A)They were barred from joining UCAPAWA.
B)They were not protected by labor laws.
C)They worked 16-hour days during the peak of canning season.
D)They were often leaders in the protests against unfair labor conditions.
The International Longshoreman's Association
A)had been weakening for many years before its resurgence in 1933.
B)was led for years by Australian-born Harry Bridges.
C)figured centrally in the "bloody Thursday" strike over union demands.
D)all of these.
Which of these statements is NOT true of the 1934 general strike in the San Francisco Bay area?
A)It lasted four days.
B)Its aftermath was the rapid return of the open shop.
C)It was hugely unpopular with the general public.
D)Newspapers reported it as Communist-driven.
Upton Sinclair's political activities included
A)running for governor first as a Socialist and then as a Democrat.
B)being arrested for publicly reading the Constitution during a labor strike.
C)creating the End Poverty in California (EPIC) program in 1933.
D)all of these.
The outcome of the California governor's race in 1934 revealed that
A)Upton Sinclair was in the right place at the right time.
B)support for FDR's New Deal reforms had helped elect Republican Governor Merriam.
C)The Depression was over.
D)all of these.

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