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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Reagan defeated Edmund Brown in the governor's race because
A)Reagan promised voters he would "clean up the mess" of student demonstrations.
B)Reagan promised to increase the state budget and eliminate unemployment.
C)Reagan's views on property owners' rights proved popular among white voters.
D)Reagan promised voters he would "clean up the mess" of student demonstrations and his views on property owners' rights proved popular among white voters.
As governor of California, "Jerry" Brown did which of the following?
A)He attempted to set budgetary limits.
B)He enforced several environmental protection measures.
C)He both supported and opposed Prop 13.
D)all of these.
When Pete Wilson became governor in 1991, he inherited a proposed state budget deficit of
A)$14 million.
B)$14 billion.
C)nothing; there was a surplus.
D)none of these.
Wilson's reelection was largely due to support from
A)older white voters.
C)labor unions.
D)all of these.
According to the textbook, the effect of term limits was to
A)clean up politics.
B)increase voter participation.
C)weaken both major political parties.
D)heap increasing power onto lobbyists.
Among Governor Gray Davis's first-term successes was
A)a tough gun-control package.
B)reform of the health care system.
C)increased funding for prisons.
D)reform of the health care system and increased funding for prisons.

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