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Interactive Quiz: Projectile Motion
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This interactive allows you to gain an intuitive appreciation for how the two independent motions of a projectile work together to produce the characteristics of this type of motion.

Using the Interactive
  • Configure the interactive using the template at the bottom of the interactive.
  • This interactive contains two challenges. The Biker tries to land in the cushions and the Archer tries to hit a falling coconut.

The Controls
  • Game: Select the button for either the Biker challenge or the Archer challenge.
  • View:
    1. You can view the motion from the Side, Top, or Front.
    2. You can show just the velocity vector (with its components and numerical values), just the acceleration vector, or both as the projectile travels through the air.
    3. SHOW AXIS checkbox turns on/off rulers for the horizontal and vertical axes.
  • Angle: This slider controls the angle at which the projectile is launched.
  • Velocity: This slider bar controls the speed at which the Biker leaves the ramp.
  • Simulation Speed: This slider controls the speed of the animation as the projectile moves through the air.
  • Height: This slider bar controls the height from which the monkey drops the coconut.
  • Select PLAY/PAUSE to animate/stop the motion of the projectile; STEP to animate one step at a time, and RESET to place the projectile back to its starting position.
Click here to view this interactive.

  • By default the applets starts with the Biker game viewed from the side.
  • Select VELOCITY from the menu to show the velocity vector. Reduce the SIMULATION SPEED to 0.5x.
As the Biker travels through the air, what will happen to the vertical component of velocity?
A)It will continually get smaller, pointing upward, until the Biker hits the ground.
B)It will continually get larger, pointing upward, until the Biker hits the ground.
C)It will get smaller as he goes up, become zero at the top, and remain zero thereafter.
D)It will get smaller going up, become zero at the top, reverse direction, and get larger going down.
E)It will get larger going up, reverse direction at the top, and get larger going down.
F)It will not change at all.
  • Select RESET and TOP view.
As the Biker travels through the air, what will happen to the horizontal component of velocity?
A)It will continually get smaller, pointing to the right, until the Biker hits the ground.
B)It will continually get larger, pointing to the right, until the Biker hits the ground.
C)It will get smaller as he goes up, become zero at the top, and remain zero thereafter.
D)It will get smaller going up, become zero at the top, reverse direction, and get larger going down.
E)It will get larger going up, reverse direction at the top, and get larger going down.
F)It will not change at all.
  • Select RESET and SIDE view.
As the Biker travels through the air, what will happen to the velocity vector?
A)It will continually get smaller, pointing in the same direction, until the Biker hits the ground.
B)It will continually get larger, pointing in the same direction, until the Biker hits the ground.
C)It will get smaller going up, become zero at the top, and get larger going down.
D)It will continually rotate downward getting smaller while going up, become horizontal at the top, and getting larger while going down.
E)It will continually rotate downward getting smaller and smaller until the Biker hits the ground.
F)It will rotate downward and get smaller while going up, become horizontal at the top, then rotate upward and get larger while going down.

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