|  Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives, 6/e Gwyn Kirk Margo Okazawa-Rey,
San Francisco State University
New to this EditionA new chapter, “Women’s Rights, Women’s Liberation, Women’s Studies,” provides a history of U.S. women’s movements and women’s studies. Updated statistics are included throughout, and new readings on the history of U.S. women’s movements; transgender issues and experiences; community responses to gender violence; women’s experiences of immigration, prison, and the military; gender and climate change; and transnational feminist organizing. Two revised chapters combine earlier chapters to deduce duplication, one of which, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Health,” views body issues as a matter of public health. An expanded chapter, “Living in a Globalizing World,” adds women’s experiences of crossborder identities, families, and communities to our earlier emphasis on the global economy.