1 |  |  If you wish to open documents that you can't edit, such as email attachments, in Reading view, set that option here: |
|  | A) | Interface options |
|  | B) | Start up options |
|  | C) | Preview options |
|  | D) | Mailings |
2 |  |  The AutoCorrect options button is found in this category: |
|  | A) | Interface |
|  | B) | Corrections |
|  | C) | Proofing |
|  | D) | Printing |
3 |  |  The Word Options dialog box is opened from: |
|  | A) | The Backstage view. |
|  | B) | The Account settings. |
|  | C) | The Default pane. |
|  | D) | The Home tab. |
4 |  |  Options for Image Size and Quality are found in this category: |
|  | A) | Add-ins |
|  | B) | Display |
|  | C) | Advanced |
|  | D) | Proofing |
5 |  |  Programs that are installed on your computer and add functionality to your Office programs are called: |
|  | A) | Add-ins. |
|  | B) | Enhancements. |
|  | C) | Links. |
|  | D) | Co-apps. |
6 |  |  To return your Quick Access toolbar to its original settings, click: |
|  | A) | Return. |
|  | B) | Restore. |
|  | C) | Reset. |
|  | D) | Reopen. |
7 |  |  To take advantage of the document portability feature in Office 2013, you must: |
|  | A) | Use a mobile device. |
|  | B) | Have a web service account. |
|  | C) | Log in to a Microsoft account. |
|  | D) | Use file sharing. |
8 |  |  To connect to a site such as Facebook for Office, Flickr, and YouTube through Office 2013, you need to: |
|  | A) | Use a mobile device. |
|  | B) | Connect wirelessly. |
|  | C) | Activate your storage. |
|  | D) | Add a service. |
9 |  |  Programs that add functionality to your Office software such a dictionary or encyclopedia are called: |
|  | A) | Enhancements. |
|  | B) | Apps. |
|  | C) | Add-ins. |
|  | D) | Connectors. |
10 |  |  If an app does not automatically load, go to the upper left corner of the Apps pane and click: |
|  | A) | The exclamation point. |
|  | B) | The question mark. |
|  | C) | The Help button. |
|  | D) | The Restore button. |
11 |  |  Office 2013 has a "cloud" storage area where you can store and access files from any location that is called: |
|  | A) | Portable Storage |
|  | B) | MSN Live |
|  | C) | SkyDrive |
|  | D) | CloudBase |
12 |  |  If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you can create a free account at: |
|  | A) | www.microsoft.net. |
|  | B) | www.office13.com. |
|  | C) | www.cloudbase.com. |
|  | D) | www.live.com. |
13 |  |  When you save a document in your SkyDrive folder you have access to the file from any computer with: |
|  | A) | Windows 8. |
|  | B) | A mobile card. |
|  | C) | Internet access. |
|  | D) | Wireless connections. |
14 |  |  When you create a SkyDrive group, anyone you invite must have: |
|  | A) | A Microsoft account. |
|  | B) | A mobile device. |
|  | C) | A Windows computer. |
|  | D) | Office 2013. |
15 |  |  Free online software programs that works in conjunction with your SkyDrive account are called Office: |
|  | A) | Cloud Apps. |
|  | B) | Web Apps. |
|  | C) | SkyDrive Apps. |
|  | D) | Mobile Apps. |