1 |  |  By default, a new Word document uses this style set: |
|  | A) | Corporate 2013 |
|  | B) | Urban 2013 |
|  | C) | Word 2013 |
|  | D) | Office 2013 |
2 |  |  You can apply a style to selected text or a paragraph by clicking on a style in: |
|  | A) | The Style pane. |
|  | B) | The Style Gallery. |
|  | C) | The Format tab. |
|  | D) | The Paragraph tab. |
3 |  |  When you need to change or remove all of the specific attributes (font, size, style, color, borders, etc.) within a style, choose: |
|  | A) | Undo. |
|  | B) | Ctrl+Z. |
|  | C) | Revert to Default. |
|  | D) | Clear Formatting. |
4 |  |  This dialog box allows you to modify or delete an existing style: |
|  | A) | Manage Styles |
|  | B) | Edit Styles |
|  | C) | Style Layout |
|  | D) | Design |
5 |  |  Styles that are displayed in the Style gallery and Styles pane by default are called: |
|  | A) | Default styles. |
|  | B) | Available styles. |
|  | C) | Recommended styles. |
|  | D) | Current theme styles. |
6 |  |  If you accidentally created a style and added it to the Normal template, you can delete the style in: |
|  | A) | The Organizer dialog box. |
|  | B) | The Styles gallery. |
|  | C) | The Backstage view. |
|  | D) | The Template pane. |
7 |  |  Building blocks in Word are grouped into: |
|  | A) | Styles. |
|  | B) | Elements. |
|  | C) | Windows. |
|  | D) | Galleries. |
8 |  |  The Building Blocks Organizer is found: |
|  | A) | Under Styles. |
|  | B) | On the Quick Parts tab. |
|  | C) | Under Themes. |
|  | D) | On the Layout tab. |
9 |  |  When you want to save specific text that you know you will use again in a number of documents, such as a company logo graphic, use this building block: |
|  | A) | Default |
|  | B) | AutoText |
|  | C) | Custom Block |
|  | D) | Paragraph |
10 |  |  The advantage of saving a building block in the Quick Parts gallery is: |
|  | A) | More styles. |
|  | B) | More themes. |
|  | C) | Its AutoSave feature. |
|  | D) | Easy access. |
11 |  |  Document properties are a category of: |
|  | A) | Word fields. |
|  | B) | Building blocks. |
|  | C) | Templates. |
|  | D) | Themes. |
12 |  |  This tab in the Properties dialog box enables you to edit or add document properties: |
|  | A) | Modify |
|  | B) | Show all |
|  | C) | Summary |
|  | D) | Backstage |
13 |  |  You can update fields by pressing this shortcut key: |
|  | A) | Ctrl |
|  | B) | F9 |
|  | C) | F1 |
|  | D) | Shift+U |
14 |  |  Special codes that are stored and can be used in a document are called: |
|  | A) | Word fields. |
|  | B) | Properties. |
|  | C) | Paragraph fields. |
|  | D) | Building blocks. |
15 |  |  In the Field dialog box, the available fields are grouped: |
|  | A) | Alphabetically. |
|  | B) | By function. |
|  | C) | By category. |
|  | D) | As elements. |