Basic Statistics for BEC
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, 8/e

Douglas A. Lind, Coastal Carolina University
William G. Marchal, University of Toledo
Samuel A. Wathen, Coastal Carolina University

ISBN: 0073521477
Copyright year: 2013

Feature Summary


  • Chapter Learning Objectives: Each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives designed to provide focus for the chapter and motivate student learning. These objectives, located in the margins next to the topic, indicate what the student should be able to do after completing the chapter.
  • Introduction to the Topic: Each chapter starts with a review of the important concepts of the previous chapter and provides a link to the material in the current chapter.
  • Example/Solution: After important concepts are introduced, a solved example is given to provide a how-to illustration for students and to show a relevant business or economics-based application that helps answer the question, “What will I use this for?” All examples provide a realistic scenario or application and make the math size and scale reasonable for introductory students.
  • Self-Reviews: Self-Reviews are interspersed throughout each chapter and closely patterned after the preceding Examples. They help students monitor their progress and provide immediate reinforcement for that particular technique.
  • Statistics in Action: Statistics in Action articles are scattered throughout the text, usually about two per chapter. They provide unique and interesting applications and historical insights in the field of statistics.
  • Chapter Exercises: The end-of-chapter exercises are the most challenging and integrate the chapter concepts. The answers and worked-out solutions for all odd-numbered exercises appear at the end of the text. For exercises with more than 20 observations, the data can be found on the text’s website. These files are formatted so that they can be opened in Excel and Minitab.
  • Data Set Exercises: The last several exercises at the end of each chapter are based on three large data sets. These data sets are printed in Appendix A in the text and are also on the text’s website. These data sets present the students with real-world and more complex applications.
  • Practice Test: The Practice Test that appears at the end of each chapter is intended to give students an idea of content that might appear on a test and how the test might be structured. The Practice Test includes both objective questions and problems covering the material studied in the chapter.

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