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Multiple-Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is an alternative hypothesis?
A)Single people report levels of happiness that are no different from those reported by married people
B)Single people spend the same amount per person on eating out as do married people
C)Married people spend no more on household purchases than do single people
D)An equal number of married people and single people own pets
E)Home ownership is related to marital status such that married people are more likely to be home owners
Men consume more salty snacks than women. This is an example of _____ hypothesis.
E)none of the above
All of the following are TRUE about the null hypothesis EXCEPT _____.
A)it is always the hypothesis tested.
B)accepting the null hypothesis will lead to some changes in opinions or action.
C)it can never be accepted based on a single statistical test.
D)the null hypothesis is formulated in such a way that rejection leads to acceptance of the desired conclusion.
E)All of the above are correct.
Which of the following illustrates the correct expression of the alternate hypothesis that more than 50% of the population follows a low-carb diet?
A)H0: π < .50
B)HA: π > .50
C)H0: π = .50
D)HA: π ≠ .50
E)H0: μ = .50
A _____ is also known as alpha.
A)type III error
B)type II error
C)beta error
D)standard error
E)None of the above
Statisticians recommend that the probability that one will correctly reject a false null hypothesis should exceed _____.
The null hypothesis must NOT be rejected when _____.
A)the p value > α
B)the p value = α
C)the p value cannot be determined
D)the p value is unrelated to hypothesis testing
E)All of the above
A researcher should consider answers to all of the following questions EXCEPT _____ when selecting a particular test of significance.
A)how many samples are involved in the test?
B)are the samples related?
C)what type of data is involved?
D)what type of scale was used?
E)all of the above should be addressed?
Which statistic assumes that the variable has a symmetric bell-shaped distribution and the mean is known (or assumed to be known) and the population variance is estimated from the sample?
A)F statistic
B)t test
C)Z test
D)alpha test
Which of the following involves a test of two independent samples?
A)test of differences in the percent of men and women who are or are not smokers.
B)test of the average clothing purchases of subscribers of Maxim and Gentleman's Quarterly.
C)test of whether the mean salary of lawyers in New York City is higher than the national average for all lawyers.
D)test of whether a change occurred in the proneness for diabetes among people who started taking a cholesterol-lowering drug.
E)test of differences in physical endurance among three experimental groups (each of which used a different a exercise machine) and a control group.

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