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Several vitamins function as coenzymes in energy metabolism. These vitamins include
A)Vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin
B)Thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid
C)Vitamin A, riboflavin, folate
D)Vitamin E, niacin, choline
Which of the following vitamins is NOT dependent on adequate fat intake, digestion and absorption?
A)Vitamin B-12
B)Vitamin A
C)Vitamin D
D)Vitamin E
Which of the following is TRUE about fat-soluble vitamins?
A)They are potentially more toxic than the water-soluble vitamins
B)They are less toxic than the water-soluble vitamins
C)They are absorbed in all humans with no malabsorption problems
D)The body makes all that it needs of them
Which of the following food groups contain the most variety of vitamins and with the fewest kcalories?
A)Fruits and vegetables
C)Beans and meat
Enrichment of bread and cereal products made from refined grains boosts our intake of
A)Vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid and choline
B)Vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid
C)Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid
D)Folic acid, vitamin B-12, thiamin and vitamin C
Which of the following countries or region of the world is NOT impacted by Vitamin A deficiency?
A)Central America
C)Southeast Asia
D)North America
Examples of essential major minerals (or macrominerals) include
A)Phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium
B)Iron, calcium, sodium and potassium
C)Copper, iodine, phosphorus, and sodium
D)Iron, copper, manganese, and iodine
Factors that can influence absorption of minerals include
A)The physiological need for a mineral at time of consumption
B)Competition for absorption between 2 or more minerals when consumed in supplement form
C)The presence of phytic acid and oxalic acid in foods
D)Each of the above answers is correct
Which of the following minerals is more abundant in plant foods than in animal foods?
A)Iron, zinc and magnesium
B)Sodium, potassium and calcium
C)Magnesium, potassium and manganese
D)Sodium, calcium and manganese
Which of the following food groups contain high amounts of trace minerals?
B)Refined grains
D)Nuts and seafood
Which is FALSE of vitamin and mineral supplements?
A)5-10 times the RDA/AI for fat-soluble vitamins can cause toxic effects
B)There are certain times when taking supplements are wise
C)Vitamin and mineral supplements are heavily regulated
D)Most people don't need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins
The government agency responsible for regulating dietary supplements is the
A)USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
B)FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
C)HHS (Health and Human Services)
D)EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
What is a good recommendation(s) regarding the use of vitamin/mineral supplements?
A)Aim for at least 300% of the Daily Value for the nutrients in the supplement.
B)Purchase only natural or organic supplements.
C)Use supplements that contain several additional herbal or botanical components in addition to the vitamins and minerals.
D)None of the above answers are good recommendations.
Which of the following may promote cancer in the body?
A)Low intakes of fruits and vegetables
B)Low intakes of calcium and vitamin D
C)Excessive intake of red meat, fried foods, and alcohol
D)All of these choices are correct
Which of the following is true about genetic and environmental factors associated with cancer?
A)Genetic factors account for only 1-15% of all cancers
B)Radiation and air pollution may contribute to cancer
C)In poorer countries lung cancer is predominant
D)Both genetic factors account for only 1-15% of all cancers and radiation and air pollution may contribute to cancer are true

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